Announcing the 2011
Gerald Cable Book Award
Silverfish Review Press sponsors the Gerald Cable Book Award. This prize is awarded annually to a book length manuscript of original poetry by an author who has not yet published a full-length collection. There are no restrictions on the kind of poetry or subject matter; translations are not acceptable.
The winner will receive $1000, publication, and 25 copies of the book. The winner will be announced in March 2012.
Final judge to be announced.
Entries must be postmarked by October 15, 2011
Entries may be submitted by e-mail
Submission Guidelines:
- Entries must be postmarked by October 15, 2011
- A $25.00 reading fee must accompany the manuscript. Please make checks payable to Silverfish Review Press
- Manuscripts should be at least 48 pages in length. Clean photo copies are acceptable. The poet's name should not appear on the manuscript. Include a separate title page with author's name, address and phone number
- Poems may have appeared in periodicals, chapbooks or anthologies, but should be acknowledged. No changes in the manuscript will be considered after submission
- Manuscripts will not be returned. Be sure to keep a copy of your work. Each entry must include an SASE for notification of the contest results. For acknowledgement of receipt of manuscript, include a stamped, self-addressed postcard
- Simultaneous submissions are acceptable. Notify SRP immediately if your manuscript is accepted for publication elsewhere
- All entrants will receive a copy of the winning book.
- We will accept e-mail submissions. Files in Word, Plain Text, or Rich Text should be sent to: Reading fees can be paid online using PayPal or by snail mail. E-mail submissions are not required to send an SASE for contest results; e-mail entrants will be notified of the winner by e-mail. This is a chance for poets to save on paper, printing or photocopying, and mailing costs.
- When making a reading fee payment through Paypal, include the author's name in the box labeled "Manuscript Author's Name" on the "Review Your Payment" page. Before mailing your manuscript to Silverfish, write the date and amount of your Paypal payment on the cover sheet so that we can match the payment to your manuscript.
CLMP Contest Code of Ethics
CLMP's community of independent literary publishers believe that ethical contests serve our shared goal: to connect writers and readers by publishing exceptional writing. We believe that intent to act ethically, clarity of guidelines, and transparency of process form the foundation of an ethical contest.
To that end, we agree to 1) conduct our contests as ethically as possible and to address any unethical behavior on the part of our readers, judges, or editors; 2) to provide clear and specific contest guidelines -- defining conflict of interest for all parties involved; and 3) to make the mechanics of our selection process available to the public.
This Code recognizes that different contest models produce different results, but that each model can be run ethically. We have adopted this Code to reinforce our integrity and dedication as a publishing community and to ensure that our contests contribute to a vibrant literary heritage.
Submit manuscripts to:
Silverfish Review Press
Gerald Cable Book Award
P.O. Box 3541
Eugene, OR 97403