9 year-old Caine built an elaborate arcade out of cardboard boxes (located in his dad’s used auto parts store). Unfortunately, Caine had no customers. Then one day, the internet organized a surprise to make his day.

Caine’s Arcade is located at 538 N Mission Rd, in Boyle Heights, CA 90033. He’s there on Saturday’s from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm.

If you can’t make it, drop by his website and give him a few dollars via PayPal for his college fund.

Boyle Heights is one of the neighborhoods with the highest densities in the county of Los Angeles. Boyle Heights is also overwhelmingly Latino with 94% of residents being Latino—81% of them of Mexican heritage.

In May 2011, Colorlines.com’s education reporter Julianne Hing looked at how East LA kids have some of the toughest times learning in Los Angeles schools.

(Photo: Cainesarcade.com)