A LUTA CONTINUA: Listen To The People - Rants & Reasonings On The Economy

Viral Video Tells Obama

‘Pay Your Bills, B!’

Wednesday Oct 5, 2011 – by

I was on Facebook this morning when I saw a video writer/activist Joan Morgan shared. In this hilarious, yet poignant, clip by a YouTuber named Felonius Munk, he takes the government to task for mishandling the economy.

While there is no shortage of rants about how paralyzed and ineffective Congress has been, this video was especially on point. In one section, Munk urges viewers to stop paying on the loans they owe to the federal government until lawmakers sort out their own budget issues.

While I find Munk’s rant interesting and refreshing, following his advice will get you caught up faster than pro athlete on All Star weekend.







Occupy Wall Street Protester

End the Fed - Best Rant!

 on Oct 3, 2011

OccupyWallStreet protester with a spot-on & passionate speech re Ending the Federal Reserve, Minimizing the Federal Government, Ending the Fractional Reserve Banking System, Ending the Monetary Fiasco that is the government-controlled FIAT money system & Ending the Wars that were engineered to make the richest 1% even richer. We also need to have an independent audit and inventory of all the gold reserves in the USA. We need to hold the Bankers and Elite responsible for their crimes against humanity... End the Fed, End the Wars & End the Corruption!!







George Carlin

~ The American Dream



 on Apr 26, 2009

"You have to be asleep to believe it."

A short excerpt from the video "Life Is Worth Losing" (2005).









This video speaks for itself.  So I won't add commentary - just watch it.  But it does provide some insights and ideas for those on the streets of America in the next month or so.

For more from the persons involved in this see (highly recommended):





Occupy Wall Street

Activist Slams

Fox News Producer

In Un-Aired Interview



By Drew Grant 

Protester Jesse LaGreca schools Fox producer

Even if Geraldo Rivera was at the Zuccotti Park yesterday, Fox News has generally been a tad dismissive of the Occupy Wall Street movement. Foxnews.com (as of this writing) has no coverage of this national event on their front page stories. (Hard to imagine for a network that was so gung-ho about the Tea Party!) Red Eye‘s Bill Schulz went out to try to “prank” the protestersBill O’Reilly sent a producer minion out with the same mission: to belittle OWS’s cause by cutting up interviews to make people sound stupid.

Well, here is an interview that Fox News filmed, but doesn’t want you to see. The segment was shot on Wednesday for Greta van Susteren‘s show, (though it looks like the same producerfrom this O’Reilly segment questioning Michael Moore‘s anti-capitalist agenda) though the decision was made to leave it on the cutting room floor. The reason should be obvious pretty quickly.




1,000 Demonstrators Sit-in at

Boston Bank of America Building

(Photo via The New Bottom Line_

Tuesday, October 4 2011, 9:45 AM EST


New York City’s Occupy Wall Street protestors made headlines this weekend when 700 of them were arrested on charges of blocking the Brooklyn Bridge. The effort has spread to several communities nationwide, including “occupations” in California, Hawaii and Florida. 

But also last Friday, 1,000 demonstrators gathered in Boston to march around the city’s financial district, culminating in a sit-in at a Bank of America building. The sit-in led to 24 being people being arrested on trespassing charges when they refused to leave, the Boston Globe reports. 

The action is part of an ongoing series of protests, coordinated by community organizers and homeowners’ groups, that aims to put the question of Wall Street accountability back onto the national agenda. Earlier last week, as part of a series of actions in the Bay Area, homeowners gathered up trash at foreclosed homes that banks are squatting on and delivered it to East Oakland bank branches. The campaign arrived in Los Angeles this week for a sereis of actions targeting banks.

Many protesters held signs urging Bank of America to return what they called their “stolen homes,” but they’re a loosely organized group mostly drawn together through email and phone calls. They’re currently holding meetings that are streamed over the Internet to finalize their demands. 

“The common root that everybody here has is that they feel like something’s wrong with the system,” Tim Hansen, 21, told the Globe. Hansen is a student at the University of Massachusetts Lowell who says he’s facing thousands of dollars in college loans.

This post has been updated since publication.







We are the 99 percent. We are getting kicked out of our homes. We are forced to choose between groceries and rent. We are denied quality medical care. We are suffering from environmental pollution. We are working long hours for little pay and no rights, if we're working at all. We are getting nothing while the other 1 percent is getting everything. We are the 99 percent. 

Brought to you by the people who occupy wall street. Why will YOU occupy?




My mother (leader in her field of pathology, MA) is upside-down on her house. My father (multiple PhD’s) lives in his car so that he can do what he loves for a living rather than be a slave to the system.  I am lucky to have a steady job doing what I love. I live frugally and without debt. All of my friends are jobless or homeless or swimming in debt or all of the above… I wonder how long it will be before I join their ranks… and the government DOESN’T CARE. We are the 99%. I want a government that puts PEOPLE before corporate BOTTOM LINES. HUMANITY BEFORE MONEY. (peace & love)


My mother (leader in her field of pathology, MA) is upside-down on her house. My father (multiple PhD’s) lives in his car so that he can do what he loves for a living rather than be a slave to the system. 

I am lucky to have a steady job doing what I love. I live frugally and without debt. All of my friends are jobless or homeless or swimming in debt or all of the above… I wonder how long it will be before I join their ranks… and the government DOESN’T CARE.

We are the 99%.

I want a government that puts PEOPLE before corporate BOTTOM LINES.


(peace & love)




I am 45 years old. I was laid off twice in 18 months. The second time 6 months after I got married. I am “unemployable” because of layoffs. I have not worked since November 2008. We have NO healthcare. My husband works so that I can go to college to get a degree. We are also dependent on family to make ends meet. I AM THE 99% OCCUPYWALLST.ORG

I am 45 years old.

I was laid off twice in 18 months.

The second time 6 months after I got married.

I am “unemployable” because of layoffs.

I have not worked since November 2008.

We have NO healthcare.

My husband works so that I can go to college to get a degree.

We are also dependent on family to make ends meet.

I AM THE 99%




Also, after over 5 years in the workforce, not counting my retail years as a teenager, I have yet to hold one full-time job, or earn more than $22k/year.

Also, after over 5 years in the workforce, not counting my retail years as a teenager, I have yet to hold one full-time job, or earn more than $22k/year.





My husband and I have $80k in student loan debt. I am in the process of being diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis, a hard enough thing in and of itself.  I also have over $30,000 in medical debt because of that. We own cheap cars, live frugally, have a roommate to help, and try hard to keep up.   We no longer have any savings, we had to use it up when we moved back home after I made the decision that I could no longer continue graduate school at the time due to my illness.   We have NO BAILOUTS.  We are unsecured.  We are at risk. I work when I’m not too sick, and he works full time.  We have a combined annual income of less than $40k annually.  Our roommate is here because he lost his job and his house and we took him in.  He works enough to help cover food costs. We are always in the hole.   We are the 99%.  Occupywallstreet.org

My husband and I have $80k in student loan debt.

I am in the process of being diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis, a hard enough thing in and of itself.  I also have over $30,000 in medical debt because of that.

We own cheap cars, live frugally, have a roommate to help, and try hard to keep up.  

We no longer have any savings, we had to use it up when we moved back home after I made the decision that I could no longer continue graduate school at the time due to my illness.  

We have NO BAILOUTS.  We are unsecured.  We are at risk.

I work when I’m not too sick, and he works full time.  We have a combined annual income of less than $40k annually.  Our roommate is here because he lost his job and his house and we took him in.  He works enough to help cover food costs.

We are always in the hole.  

We are the 99%.  Occupywallstreet.org



I dropped out of medical school 2 years ago because I decided to be a midwife, and you can be anything you want, right?  Now, I don’t think I can afford to get another master’s degree - I’ll be lucky to get my BSN.  I can’t move in with my parents because I’m afraid of my large, homophobic (and also unemployed) brother, so I’m not sure what I’ll do when I wear out my welcome at friends’ houses.

I dropped out of medical school 2 years ago because I decided to be a midwife, and you can be anything you want, right?  Now, I don’t think I can afford to get another master’s degree - I’ll be lucky to get my BSN.  I can’t move in with my parents because I’m afraid of my large, homophobic (and also unemployed) brother, so I’m not sure what I’ll do when I wear out my welcome at friends’ houses.





Lost my job in 2006. Sold my home and moved in with my 87-year-old mother. Worked temporary jobs on and off for over 5 years with little or no benefits. Cancer survivor. Need medical care. Can’t afford health insurance. TOO YOUNG TO RETIRE. Watching my retirement funds and savings shrink. Moved to Mexico to get medical care. Rent a room and live on $250 a month. No car. No phone. Mom is in the hospital and I wonder if I can afford to come home. I AM the 99%.

Lost my job in 2006. Sold my home and moved in with my 87-year-old mother.

Worked temporary jobs on and off for over 5 years with little or no benefits.

Cancer survivor. Need medical care. Can’t afford health insurance.


Watching my retirement funds and savings shrink.

Moved to Mexico to get medical care. Rent a room and live on $250 a month. No car. No phone.

Mom is in the hospital and I wonder if I can afford to come home.

I AM the 99%.



I am 30 years old. I have a BFA and an MA. I taught Art History for 2+ years and made regular payments on my loans. As a newer, less established member of the faculty I was out of work when my college cut classes. Over a year later and I still can’t find work. I pick up dog poop for $6 a walk. Because of deferments my $41,000 loan has become $62,000. I am the 99%.

I am 30 years old. I have a BFA and an MA. I taught Art History for 2+ years and made regular payments on my loans. As a newer, less established member of the faculty I was out of work when my college cut classes. Over a year later and I still can’t find work. I pick up dog poop for $6 a walk. Because of deferments my $41,000 loan has become $62,000. I am the 99%.



I just want to live the American dream, but I’m not exactly sure what that is anymore. occupywallst.org

I just want to live the American dream, but I’m not exactly sure what that is anymore.



>via: http://wearethe99percent.tumblr.com/