Biko’s Son
February 2, 2012 By
Written by Melissa Levin for AIAC
CBC Radio 1’s program, The Current, this morning interviewed 40 year old Nkosinathi Biko about South Africa’s progress (and his dad’s legacy) 22 years after the unbanning of liberation movements (2 February 1990). The link is below. It’s part of a 27 minute package. The segment begins with some Malema audio of whites becoming domestic workers and people on the street. Biko is then introduced. The interviewer jumps in with questions about Malema, the singing of struggle songs, violence committed against white farmers, etcetera. Biko, who was 6 years old when his father was murdered by the state, navigated the rather obvious interviewing approach in a nuanced and thoughtful way. He manages to highlight the interesting non-exceptional characteristics of political life in South Africa and eroded the tired binary that is most often elevated in media and public conversations about South Africa and Africa more broadly, here. I, for one, have a tendency to default to defensiveness in the face of arguments or questions about how troubled politics in Africa are. On the contrary, in this interview, Biko sheds light on nuance, the pragmatics of governance and activism. The interviewer wants to hear the son of Steve Biko dis the politics of post-apartheid South Africa. Biko does not oblige. The programme also tries to exploit the human interest angle. Biko refers to his father as ‘Steve Biko’ or ‘Biko’ even when the interviewer directly asks about ‘dad’. Maybe this is Nkosinathi Biko’s way of asserting that his interest in Biko is as an intellectual and activist. Perhaps he is making the point that while he is the son, we are all potentially the descendents. The very best part of the interview is its Njabulo Ndebele/Svetlana Boym moment. Biko reminisces about how his father’s house arrest was a gift to his young son. It afforded the boy an opportunity for a close and present relationship with his father that is unusual for children in general and for the children of activists in particular.
Nkosinathi Biko
on how South Africa
can move on
Three of The Current
Nkosinathi Biko on how South Africa can move on
One of the most charismatic politicians in South Africa these days is Julius Malema. His supporters admire his passion and energy. And a new fashion line -- JuJu -- is even named after him. Until recently, Mr. Malema who is 31 was president of the African National Congress Youth league. But, he's a divisive man, because of comments aired in our clip.
The idea of blacks employing white domestic help is a real crowd pleaser. But Julius Malema's comments go farther... he talks about taking land from white farmers. He was once charged with inciting hate at a rally after singing a song called "Kill the Farmer." His comments and actions have caused such a rift, the ANC banned him from the party for five years ... something Mr. Malema is in the process of appealing. In Johannesburg's Soweto market, Julius Malema's has supporters and detractors. We aired a clip.
One hundred years after the founding of the African National Congress and 18 years after the end of apartheid, most South Africans live in poverty, and our next guest worries the country's on-going divisions could put in peril. The men and women who fought for a non-racial democracy had a clear idea what kind of country they wanted South Africa to become.
Steve Biko founded the black consciousness movement, which sought to mobilize black South Africans against apartheid. In 1977, he was arrested, interrogated and tortured by South African police. He died shortly after, while still in police custody. Nkosinathi Biko is Steve's eldest son, and he joined us from Johannesburg where he is the CEO of the Steve Biko Foundation.
Related Links:
- Julius Malema: South Africa's ANC youth leader appeals - BBC News
- Silence reigns as ANC reconsiders Malema's future By: Ahmed Areff - The Mail and Guardian Online
- Complaints against Malema escalate By: Natasha Marrian - The Mail and Guardian Online
- Nelson Mandela's absence tempers ANC's 100-year festivities By: Tony Burman - Toronto Star
Last Word
Many people outside South Africa were inspired by Steve Biko immortalized in Richard Attenborough's powerful 1987 film, Cry Freedom. Peter Gabriel wrote a song about him, used in the film and we aired a bit of this music to end the program.