AUDIO: Frank Ocean – Wiseman Lyrics + Sweet Life > LozzaMusic-com

Frank Ocean

– Wiseman Lyrics

Although the soundtrack for Django Unchained did feature the likes of Rick Ross, John Legend, Anthony Hamilton and a whole host more, there was one man missing who’d previously been announced as being a part of it and who’s song was more anticipated than anyone else on the record, that of course being Mr. Frank Ocean.

When recently queried about the situation, the movie’s director Quentin Tarantino commented “Frank Ocean wrote a fantastic ballad that was truly lovely and poetic in every way, there just wasn’t a scene for it. I could have thrown it in quickly just to have it, but that’s not why he wrote it and not his intention. So I didn’t want to cheapen his effort. But, the song is fantastic, and when Frank decides to unleash it on the public, they’ll realize it then.” and it looks as if that time has come, with Frank ending the year in true Frank Ocean style, taking to his tumblr to upload the track simply stating “django was ill without it”, before following up with the equally familiar screenshotted lyrics.

What a year it has been for Frank Ocean, but he has not changed one bit.

Frank Ocean

– Sweet LIFE

Sung by Frank Ocean, produced by Pharrell Williams and co-written by both of them, the best songwriter and best producer in music right now have finally spoken.

Channel ORANGE drops July 17th.

Download: Frank Ocean – Sweet LIFE.mp3