AUDIO: The Shape of Hip-Hop to Come: The Cornel West Theory « I MiX What I Like!

The Shape of

Hip-Hop to Come:

The Cornel West Theory

In IMiX, COUP Radio, Music/Media Industry on July 15, 2011 at 5:49 pm

The Shape of Hip-Hop to Come is the name of the forthcoming album from The Cornel West Theory. It is also a heads up to those who may have become consumed by the mythologies of hip-hop’s death.  Nope.  Hip-hop is fine, sometimes just needs some help seeing the light of day.  Today’s program shed some and allowed a glimpse at proof of the culture’s survival and the shape of what’s to come.   Two of the band’s members joined us this week for an interview about the group, its history and its collection of talented contributors.  We debuted some tracks from the new album and talked with them about politics, spirituality and, of course, music.  DC was well-represented today as was real hip-hop.  The new album drops on July 19th and you can check them out live at their album release party July 30th.


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The I MiX What I Like! Song Show Play List!

1. Type 1 – Change / The Cornel West Theory

2. DC Love Story – / The Cornel West Theory

3. Focus on Sanity / Ornette Coleman

4. Prophetic Suicide / The Cornel West Theory