Watch “S–t Black Girls Say,”
Can You Relate?
Monday Dec 19, 2011 – by Britni DanielleLast week I shared the hilarious short clip “Shit Girls Say” which compiled many of the funny and quirky things women say and do as we go through our normal lives. Well…of course, when something causes a viral sensation and is seen all over the world, there’s always a spoof.
This time comedian Billy Sorrells is here to give us his take on the many nuances of women in “Shit Black Girls Say,” and much like the original, I chuckled and recognized the actions of a few of my friends.
Watch “Shit Black Girls Say.”
Once “Shit Girls Say,” and “Shit Black Girls Say,” went viral, you know there had to be at least one more, right? I’ve been waiting for someone to take it here, and thankfully Robin Thede and Inda Craig-Galvánput together this spoof of the funny things black dudes say and do. I swear at one point she transformed into my ex-boyfriend.
Watch “Shit Black Guys Say”