CULTURE: steampunk fashion - Afro - SteamPunk ideas / look book

Afro - SteamPunk ideas / look book

  • Aug. 29th, 2009 at 3:33 PM

I really like afro-futurist elements in steampunk design. I wanted to post some inspiration / design by artists Yinka Shonibare, Thandiswa Mazwai, handmade taureg metalwork, Ghanian DIY machinery, old african royalty, old photos and more!

**edit - sorry about the picture overload, fixed the cut :)

**2nd edit - good conversation in the comments. I also want to link back to here and here for good essays on steampunk, history, and race/culture.

by Yinka Shonibare:


Thandiswa Mazwai is a musician, but i think her looks are kinda afropunk / steampunkish :

homemade devices from AfriGadget:

check out their site, features an awesome guy who makes steel alligators out of junk using homemade welding machines which were also made from scratch.

Im also hugely impressed with metalwork done by taureg nomads:

taureg locks:

taureg 'swiss army knife' :


The Kings of Africa photographed by Daniel Laine

( Between the years of 1988 and 1991, French photographer Daniel Laine spent about 12 months on the African continent tracking down and photographing figures of royalty, and leaders of kingdoms.)

Emporer Selassie, say what you want about the man, but he had fun style:
