ECONOMICS: There Are 5,000 Janitors in the U.S. with PhDs

There Are 5,000 Janitors

in the U.S. with PhDs


BY KYLE VANHEMERT       OCT 22, 2010

There are 18,000 parking lot attendants in the U.S. with college degrees. There are 5,000 janitors in the U.S. with PhDs. In all, some 17 million college-educated Americans have jobs that don't require their level of education. Why?

The data comes from a the Bureau of Labor Statistics, and can be seen here in handy, depressing chart form:



This week an extraordinarily interesting new study was posted on the Web site of America's most prestigious economic-research organization, the National Bureau of Economic Research. Three highly regarded economists (one of whom has won the Nobel Prize in Economic Science) have produced "Estimating Marginal Returns in Education," Working Paper 16474 of the NBER. After very sophisticated and elaborate analysis, the authors conclude "In general, marginal and average returns to college are not the same." (p. 28)

In other words, even if on average, an investment in higher education yields a good, say 10 percent, rate of return, it does not follow that adding to existing investments will yield that return, partly for reasons outlined above.

Whatever some eggheads work out "college" to mean for people on paper can't really take into account the experience of going to college, but the numbers are pretty surprising nonetheless. So next time you see a custodian scribbling the proof to some unsolvable math problem on a chalkboard after hours, well, you know. [Chronicle via Nick Bilton]


1 response
This share is timely in that I'm personally aware of many w/ higher education degrees who are unemployed while simultaneously aware of people w/out higher education degrees who are employed. Vestiges of the 'uppity negro' syndrome? Maybe so. People in control of employment opportunities may not want to hire people who are educated even this society pushed higher education as the end of all means for success in one's career and overall financial mobility in American society. Highly relevant post and I thank you for sharing.