EVENT: Atlanta—Walter Rodney Symposium @ Spelman College

Annual Symposium

Since 2004, an annual symposium is held in Atlanta, Georgia during the week of Walter Rodney's birthday (23 March).  The goal is to bring together scholars, researchers, activists, students and the community to discuss contemporary issues from a Rodney perspective.




19 MARCH 2010



The program will begin with a conversation between noted author and historian Dr. Paula Giddings and Dr. Beverly Guy-Sheftall, womanist scholar and director of Spelman College Women’s Research and Resource Center.  Dr. Giddings will discuss her recently published book on African American journalist, Ida B. Wells; revealing parallels between the activism of Walter Rodney and Wells.  

The evening keynote address will be given by Andaiye, a prominent Caribbean women’s rights and human rights activist.  Andaiye is a long-time friend and colleague of Walter Rodney, and was one of the founding members and leaders of the Working People’s Alliance (WPA) of Guyana.  She will discuss Rodney from a personal and professional perspective and reflect on his works and legacy, 30 years after his assassination.

Presenters will address the current situation in Haiti through the lenses of underdevelopment, using Rodney’s work How Europe Underdeveloped Africa.  The student panel's discussion is entitled "The Underdevelopment of a Nation: An Unnatural Disaster".

Cultural presentations include dance, drumming and spoken word, and a special performance by Our Kids Atlanta.  Books and T-shirts will be on sale with proceeds going to the Walter Rodney Foundation’s Haiti Re-Development Fund.

Free coffee will be provided courtesy of Land of a Thousand HillsTM Coffee House.

For more information call 404-978-2052/4 or visit www.walterrodneyfoundation.org