EVENT: Cologne, Germany—7 Day (West-)Afr​ican theatre festival (June 22.-28, 2011 ) > AFRO-EUROPE

7 Day (West-)Afr​ican theatre festival

in Cologne, Germany (June 22.-28, 2011 )


The first africologne-FESTIVAL of the modern (west-)African theatre takes place June 22.-28., 2011 in Cologne (Germany) in the Theater im Bauturm as well as the „Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum – The House of World Cultures“.

The Festival will present in thirteen shows (including one for Schools) seven theatre productions: two European premiers, four plays never performed in a German speaking country before and one Cologne-Premier!

Our goal is to provide audiences with a wide view on the extensive culture of (west-) Africa, which is presented aesthetically courageous whilst still being traditional and critical in its reflection. We aim to continue the intercultural exchange with Artists through the invited performances, which also will be followed by discussions with the artists and finally with our one-day conference “Entwicklung heißt sich entwickeln”-Development implies to develop.

We are interested in the collective of a global society; in breaking through the present realities and social developments, which cannot be viewed as individual developments, but have to be seen under universal aspects that are cross-continental. The performances will be in French and Mooré (language of Burkina Faso) and will be subtitled in German.

Additional to our extensive program, audiences are invited to attend to three staged readings and a guided tour at the Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum. Additional performance spaces are provided by the opposite Millowitsch- Theatre as well as public performance spaces, which will be used by Futur3, who will prepare one of the staged readings- venue will be announced by June 6.


18h Festive Opening of the Festival

20h European-Premier Ziitba ou La Situation - Ziitba or Die Situation by Sidiki Yougbaré (Burkina Faso). Directed by Sidiki Yougbaré.
Following africologne-Opening Party with Buffet

18h Ziitba ou La Situation - Ziitba oder Die Situation (see 22.6.)

21h Staged Reading Condor Unlimited by P. De Buysser Directed by Gerhard Roiß

18h Germany-Premier L’Echo du pas de l’homme - Das Echo des Schritts des Menschen (Senegal/ France/Morocco) based on the novel Timbuktu, 52 Days on a camels back by Ahmed Ghazali Directed by Christophe Merle

21h Staged Reading Papa muss essen by Marie NDiaye Directed by Luzius Heydrich

15.30h & 18.30h Germany-Premier Le Musée Bombana de Kokologo – Das Museum Bombana de Kokologo by Pascal Rome (Burkina Faso) Directed by Pascal Rome. At the Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum – Cultures of the World, Cäcilienstraße 29-33, Köln

18h Germany-Premier Fatma by M'Hamed Benguettaf (Senegal/France) Directed by Christophe Merle

20 h Germany-Premier Le coeur des enfants léopards - Das Herz der Leopardenkinder. Adaptation by Dieudonné & Criss Niangouna, based on the novel by Wilfried N’Sondé (Kongo) Directed by Dieudonné Niangouna.
Following discussion with the author Wilfried N’Sondé. At the Millowitsch-Theater, Aachener Str. 5, Köln.

22h africologne-Party

13h Ferne Welten – Ein Kurztrip: Guided tour through the Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum – Cultures of the World, Cäcilienstraße 29-33, Köln. Event organized by the Theaterschwärmer (young supporters of the Theater im Bauturm)

14h Conference „Entwicklung heißt sich entwickeln“ (Development means to develop) Chair: Rolf Hemke (Theater an der Ruhr)

15.30h & 18.30 Le Musée Bombana de Kokologo – Das Museum Bombana de Kokologo (see 25.6.)

20h European-Premier Incessants – Unaufhörlich by Guy Junior Régis (Haïti). Directed by Patrick Joseph

19h Incessants – Unaufhörlich (see 26.6.)
19h+21h Staged Reading Kassandra oder die Welt als Ende der Vorstellung by Kevin Rittberger Directed by André Erlen, Stefan H. Kraft / Futur3 (Venue will be announced June 6; for further information please contact 0221-524242)

14h+19h Cologne-Premier A la vie à la mort - Auf Leben und Tod by Etienne Minoungou (Burkina Faso). Directed by Etienne Minoungou and Hamado Tiemtore

Begin 21h africologne-Closing Party

22. - 28. June 2011
Freies Schauspiel KÖLN
Aachener Straße 24-26
50674 Köln (Cologne), Germany
Tel.: (0221) 95 14 43-1

Concept Gerhardt Haag, Kerstin Ortmeier
Artistic Director Gerhardt Haag
Project Management/ Dramaturg Kerstin Ortmeier

Management Lisa Kihm-Dolmaire
Technical Director Thomas Mörl Technical Heiko Bujak, Hans-Dieter Streib, Gilbert Vyent
Public Relations Angela Krumpholz
Communication Sarah Youssef, Carsten Karbach
Secretariat Helene Quatmann Assistants/Interns Eva Altmeyer, Maximilian Liesner
French Translations/ Subtitles Marie-Claude Steinbrück
Box Office Oliver Buchal Props Stephan Geyer

Festival blog at africologne.blogspot.com