The Griot's Corner @ the Frederick Douglass Unity House
Proudly PresentsOUT LOUD
Voices of the Black Power BabiesA generation of Performing Artists, Writers and Educators were born and raised during, as well as directly influenced by the artists,
intellectuals and cultural architects of the Black Arts Movement; as the movement enters it's third generation we explore the transformation of a movement into a culture. Join us for our first evening of performances and conversation with two generations of Black Arts Movement Artists.Featuring:
ASKIA TOURE - Griot, Poet, Black Arts Movement Architect, & Black Studies
MIKAL AMIN "Hired Gun" LEE - Griot, poet, MC, and educator
TAH PHRUM DUH BUSH - Griot, Poet, Philosopher, MC and Actor
TANTRA-ZAWADI - Griot, Performance Poet, Writer and Filmmaker
MWALIM *7) - Griot, Performance Artist, Writer, Filmmaker and Assoc Prof
of English and African/ African American StudiesTHURS DAY, FEB. 25 - 6:30 - 8:30 PMFrederick Douglass Unity House
285 Old Westport Road. N. Dartmouth, MA 02747For more information, contact 508.999.9222 or mpeters@umassd,eduThis event is Free and open to the public
"In my childhood a circumstance occurred which made an indelible
impression on my mind, and laid the ground work of that enthusiasm..." -
Nat TurnerMWALIM (MJ Peters)
Assoc. Professor of English & Afr ican/ African American Studies
Univ of Mass Dartmouth
285 Old Westport Rd.
N. Dartmouth, MA 02747
PH: 508-999-8304
FX: 508-999-9235
Performing Artist, Writer, Filmmaker
http://mwalimwordlounge.blogspot.comCheck out The Bass Mint Bros"Any artist is Picasso when standing in front of a blank canvas, until proven otherwise."
- August Wilson