EVENT: Johannesburg—Joburg Book Launch: Reclaiming the L-Word: Sappho’s daughters out in Africa by Alleyn Diesel > Modjaji Books

Joburg Book Launch:

Reclaiming the L-Word:

Sappho’s daughters out in Africa

by Alleyn Diesel

GALA, Modjaji Books, MaThoko’s Books and Love Books are delighted to invite you to the Joburg launch of Reclaiming the L-Word: Sappho’s daughters out in Africa.

Join us for a glass of wine, a snack and an evening of discussion and celebration to launch of this ground-breaking new book.

Panelists include: Alleyn Diesel – editor of the collection, Steve Letsike (a contributor) and Sedica Davids (Director of FEW).

The stories in Reclaiming the L-Word: Sappho’s Daughters Out in Africa eloquently deal with the depth and complexity of lesbian experiences and serve to contradict stereotyping. The writers come from all walks of life, race groups and religious persuasions. The book includes a photo essay by well-known artist and activist, Zanele Muholi, and her article of lesbian rape in South Africa, originally published by Agenda.

We have had wonderful launches in Pietermaritzburg and Cape Town. If you are in Joburg, don’t miss this one.

Event Details

  • Date: Tuesday, 23 August 2011
  • Time: 5:30 PM for 6:00 PM
  • Venue: Love Books,
    53 Rustenburg Road,
    Bamboo Centre, Melville
    (next door to The Service Station)
    Johannesburg | Map
  • Panelists include: Alleyn Diesel, Steve Letsike and Sedica Davids
  • Refreshments: Light snacks and wine will be served
  • RSVP: Love Books,
    kate@lovebooks.co.za, 011 7267408

What people are saying about Reclaiming the L-Word:

“As a feminist, I have always been prodded to push the boundaries of awareness and critique, to recognise the lurking oppressions that continue to be relegated to the margins. As a woman of faith, I am continually compelled to ask in new and daring ways, “Who is my neighbour?” Reclaiming the L-Word: Sappho’s Daughters Out in Africa assists me in this ongoing journey, expanding my understandings of “community” and “sisterhood”. It makes me appreciate that there are many permutations of “the woman-identified woman”.
- Dr Betty Govinden from her introduction to Reclaiming the L-Word

“This brave and moving collection of stories by South African lesbian women from different backgrounds reminds us, again, that rights are never finally won in legislatures or in court rooms. They are won by people exercising them. The authors of the stories and poems in this book have done just that. They have stood up to celebrate the dignity of lesbian women in South Africa. Each contribution is different. And each intensely personal. And each one reminds us of the urgent need for us to stop hate crime and to create a safe society for all LGBT South Africans.”
- Kate O’Regan, former Justice of the Constitutional Court of South Africa

Reclaiming the L-Word: Sappho's daughters out in AfricaBook Details