EVENT: London—Afropick presents .. SOULFOOD


Sunday, May 8 · 6:00pm - 10:00pm

The Tabernacle
Powis Sq. W11 2AY
London, United Kingdom

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Afropick presents SoulFood - a feast of creative talent and expression.

Take the raw talent of poets and season with thought provoking, organically grown verses, sprinkled with passion and inspiration.

add the harmonies and sugar sweet vocals of singers to the poetry mix and blend until mixture is smooth.

Stir in the profuse and pepper hot rhymes of rappers, blended with full flavored beats.

serve with smiles, laughter and positive vibes ....

You've just enjoyed a taste of SoulFood.

served up by hosts Princess and Rich Blk.

Doors: 6pm
Show: 7pm
Ends 10pm


for more info:
07950 383 296