African Films at
Tribeca Film Festival [Video]
Tribeca Film Fest starts today April 20th - May 1st 2001 in New York. We’ll certainly miss it for those of us not in attendance but we took time to highlight some of the films from Africa making a buzz in the festival. Good films focus on remarkable individuals and these movies are meagre examples of individuals in Africa being resilient, hopeful and overcoming peculiar oddities.
The Bang Bang Club: Director: Steven Silver (South Africa)
Long awaited (in my opinion), Bang Bang Club portrays 4 photographers who played a prime role in photojournalism in the townships of South Africa during the apartheid period. Greg Marinovich, Ken Oosterbroek, João Silva and if you once took an ethics class, you’re no stranger to Kevin Carter who won the most coveted photojournalism prize : The Pulitzer Prize for Feature Photography in May 1994 and at the same time took heavy criticism for the same photo. These 4 individuals heavily paid for their work and involvement with conflict photography. The Big Bang Club is a movie with remnants dear and woeful to us all.
Black Butterflies: Director Paula van der Oest (Netherlands)
Famous South African poet Ingrid Jonker is sometimes referred to as “South Africa’s Sylvia Plath”, a great honour for someone we might have missed to personally discover. Her work orignially written in Afrikaans has since been widely translated into other languages. Black Butterflies unravels a story of a daughter flighting censorship within South Africa while living under the same roof of a government chairman (her father) responsible for the censorship act law and facing the highs and lows and turmoil of creative writing and personal life struggles.
The Carrier: Director Maggie Betts (United States)
A story that follows one woman in Zambia infected with HIV and being hopeful with PMTCT (prevention of mother-to-child transmission) after learning she is pregnant. Its a hopeful story for the potential for an HIV-free generation in Africa. A lot of elements in this movie seem quite strong and singling out the protagonist Mutinta makes her single story special even though this isn’t a new topic.
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Maggie Betts: The Carrier
It's estimated that more than 250 Zambians are infected with HIV each day. Meet the filmmaker whose breathtaking doc explores one infected mother's struggle, and highlights the state of a nation.
Director Maggie BettsTribeca: How do you describe The Carrier in your own words?
Maggie Betts: The Carrier is meant to be a very hopeful, or symbolic, metaphor for the potential for an HIV-free generation in Africa. But it’s also obviously really about one woman. What first interested me about making a documentary on this subject was the concept of maternal love and sacrifice pushed to its utmost extreme.
Tribeca: What inspired you to tell this story? Did you start first by wanting to tell a story about a broad subject, or did you find the family first, and thought, now I can extrapolate?Maggie Betts: I had always wanted to make a movie first, and had been traveling a lot to Africa over the past 5 or 6 years with UNICEF and the World Food Program… Tribeca: Was that part of a job you had?Maggie Betts: No, my mom lost 2 of her brothers to HIV when I was a teenager, and I was very interested in AIDS in Africa, so I kind of networked around and got myself connected to people at UNICEF and the World Food Program, and was able to get myself invited on trips to Africa. And then I would come back and do fundraisers and advocacy that made it valuable to them for me to go.Gradually, these strides were being made in PMTCT (prevention of mother-to-child transmission), and it became much more accessible and cheaper to administer through programs. So PMTCT started to get on everybody’s radar, and I just started learning about it, and visiting different programs that were focused on it.I had wanted to get involved with HIV/AIDS in Africa out of a desire to connect with my mom and her experiences, and then I started to learn about women and mothers with HIV. And PMTCT, simultaneously, on a larger scale was becoming the shifting message about AIDS in Africa—what was going to become this new, hopeful dialogue—how it could start to turn the tide of how people perceive the pandemic. So it was kind of a culmination of a lot of different things.

Tribeca: It must have been so surreal for them.Maggie Betts: But everyone in that community was so human—they were just so lovely, too. I can’t imagine that they would have any context for who we are, where we come from, what we were doing. I mean, they trusted us because they are warm, but at the same time, it’s just a part of that culture to always… it was just such a beautiful, trusting place. Tribeca: How long were you there?Maggie Betts: We shot on four consecutive trips, and we were there a total of about four months. We always knew it would be finite, which is important when you make a documentary, because you could go on forever. But we knew the baby was going to be tested, and however it turned out, that would be a definitive end point to the story we were telling. Tribeca: This is your first feature, so I am sure the whole thing was a learning process, but can you distill, or tease out, the biggest thing you learned while making The Carrier? Any advice for aspiring filmmakers?Maggie Betts: I loved my crew so much, but I learned that if you’re not really, really clear on what you want, even in the most kind of harmonious film crew, everyone has these, “Oh, we should do it this way; we should do it that way” ideas. As a first-time filmmaker, if you have a vision, and it feels authentic to you, and it feels right, you should stick with it, because you will second-guess yourself a lot.I wanted to do my film in this really narrative, really lyrical way—I was obsessed with Terrence Malick movies, so I had all these ideas about what I wanted to do—and they weren’t always so well received, not in a snooty way, but in a “you don’t do that in a doc” kind of way. And I think you know if something really, really feels authentic to you, if you NEED to do something, and if you just stick with it, it probably will have a sense of aesthetic coherence, if nothing else. And if you have a good sense of storytelling and sensitivity to the human experience, you can add those to it too.When a lot of the things I wanted were visual, I needed to be open to advice. If I wanted to film a scene at dusk or sunset, I needed to be able to tell the cinematographer—to fully understand what s/he needs in order to get what I’m asking for. And there’s a LOT of technical stuff [to learn]. I now understand the conditions that need to be in place in order to get it the way I want it to look.

Tribeca: What are your hopes for The Carrier at Tribeca?Maggie Betts: I hope it’s well received by the audiences that come to see it. I think New Yorkers in particular are very philanthropic and generous and open-hearted, and very sophisticated in their interests in the bigger world. I think America as a whole receives a lot of criticism—perhaps fairly—for having a lack of interest in anything outside of America, but I do think that New Yorkers transcend that stereotype a bit, and that they are able to engage and invest in stories from very, very different cultures and environments.A lot of people don’t know about the potential for an AIDS-free generation, so the main thing I hope for from Tribeca—and anywhere else it’s seen—is that people start to get how close we are, and how amazing it can be to support women in Mutinta’s situation. Tribeca: What do you want audiences to take away from The Carrier? Are there action steps you want your film to effect?Maggie Betts: The most important thing is to create a groundswell in the movement, so that individual leaders of African countries can see that this is something that people really, really want to happen. And that there is huge potential for it. (RED) has an HIV-free by 2015 campaign—which is really ambitious—and they think we can get there!
Tribeca: If you could have dinner with any filmmaker (alive or dead), who would it be?Maggie Betts: Terrence Malick, for his creation of atmosphere and the heart and spirituality that’s not really advertised—it’s a hidden spirituality. I like The New World the best. Tribeca: What piece of art (book/film/music/tv show/what-have-you) are you currently recommending to your friends most often?Maggie Betts: You know what I’m obsessed with right now? This documentary called Deep Water that the BBC made about Donald Crowhurst, who was this hack sailor who entered the first-ever around-the-world solo race. He went crazy at sea. It came out a while ago, and I only discovered it via iTunes recently. Deep Water. It’s really, weirdly profound. It haunts you. Tribeca: What makes The Carrier a Tribeca must-see?Maggie Betts: I do think it’s a more cinematic, narrative-feeling documentary experience than I’ve seen from a lot of other docs recently. I think it centers on one of the most unexpected—beautiful and profound—heroines that I’ve ever seen, in either a narrative or a documentary. She kind of encompassed for me, as a director, all these themes; I couldn’t have even worked a character out like her. Mutinta’s is a small story that illuminates a huge issue.