Jill Nelson
Re-Mixed and Re-Mastered:
Defining and Distributing the Black Image
in the Era of Globalization (Day 1)
April 8, 2011 6:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m.
On Friday, April 8 and Saturday, April 9, this two-day conference examines the largely overlooked impact that different modes of distribution have on content creation and format of works by and for the African American community. The failures of top-down distribution models and the advent of multi-directional communication continue to alter the evolving landscape of available content and its mediums. Central to the conference is the question of how to continue to create and distribute content that challenges the dominant narrative but that maintains its cultural relevancy.
The Re-Mixed and Re-Mastered (R2) conference brings media makers, industry professionals, students and scholars of media, and film enthusiasts into a dialogue on increasing and diversifying the global distribution opportunities for media makers of color. This conference is intended to foster and strengthen a networked community committed to enhancing the visibility of high quality, independently produced media from around the world. The weekend will include screenings, panels, and workshops with media makers, cultural critics, and scholars from across the globe, as well as major industry decision makers and artists whose work speaks to issues both inside and outside the mainstream. We will present screenings of recently completed works and works-in-progress across formats, case studies, and DIY distribution techniques, including both firsthand information and alternative representations.
Confirmed guest panelists include: key note speaker Jill Nelson (U.S.), renowned author and former Washington Post journalist; Frances Anne Solomon (Trinidad/Canada) of Caribbean Tales Worldwide Distribution; Ava DuVernay (U.S.), director/filmmaker, I Will Follow; Tambay Obenson (Nigeria/U.S.) of Shadow and Act: On Cinema of the African Diaspora; and Thomas Allen Harris (Tanzania/U.S.), award-winning filmmaker/director/producer/writer.
Featured New School faculty members include Sean Jacobs, Michelle Materre, Fabio Parasecoli, Rafael Parra, Martin Roberts, and Tracyann Williams.
The R2 conference’s sponsors include the Office of the Executive Dean, New School for General Studies and Milano The New School for Management and Urban Policy; the New School Bachelor’s Program; the New School Department of Media Studies and Film; the New School Graduate Program in International Affairs; the Department of Humanities; and the Office of the Provost, The New School. The event is co-sponsored by Creatively Speaking and Borderline Media.
Location: Theresa Lang Community and Student Center, Arnhold Hall, 55 West 13th Street, 2nd floor
Early registration: $50 before April 1; after April 1, $35 per day; $60 for two days.
Free admission for all students with ID; free admission for New School faculty, staff and alumni with ID; $25 flat rate for other university faculty with ID
Box Office Information:
In person purchases can be made at The New School Box Office at 66 West 12th Street, main floor, Monday-Thursday 4:00 to 7:00 p.m., and Friday 3:00 to 6:00 p.m. The box office opens the first day of classes and closes after the last paid event of each semester. Reservations and inquiries can be made by emailing boxoffice@newschool.edu or calling 212.229.5488
For events scheduled during the summer term, the box office will open one hour before each event. During this period only, reservations can be made using the above contact information.