On Wednesday, March 17th, at 10 p.m., I will be on WBAI on Gary Byrd's radio show, 99.5 fm. I will discuss the global effort to abolish nuclear weapons, and focus on Africa's goal to be a nuclear weapons free continent, a goal stymied by a U. S. military base on Diego Garcia, an island in the African Union.
On Thursday, March 18th at 2 p.m.,I will be on WBAI, on Louis Reyes Rivera's show, discussing the same subject
On Saturday, March 27th at 6 p.m., I will discuss the plight of Diego Garcia on television, channel 34, Ancestor House.
Catch me if you can -- but above all attend our forum on The U.S. and the Abolition of Nuclear Weapons, Sunday March 29th, 1 to 4:30 p.m., at the Riverside Church. 120th St. & Claremont Ave.
Peace and love
Louise Meriwether
Join Us:We welcome all ages, women and men.Email usor make a donation on our Donate Tax Free page.
Thursday, March 18, 5:30pm - 7:00 PM. The military's main mission is to conduct war. It's ticket to success is finding young men and women with limited opportunities. High schools and underserved neighborhoods are the bread and butter for recruiters. On March 18th, Parent Teacher Conference Night at NYC high schools, volunteers will be at high schools distributing information about the Opt-Out form and student's privacy rights, truth in recruiting, and non-military options and alternatives to life after high school. Join us in this effort to provide needed information to families and students. Contact us at grannypeace@gmail.com.
Sunday, March 20 - 1-2:00PMPlease join us as we rally with other NYC peace groups on the first day of the eighth year of the war on Iraq to demand that the U.S. troops withdraw. Times Square Armed Forces Recruiting Station, 44th St & 7th Ave. Email us for more info.
Sunday, March 28 - 1:PM Forum on The U.S. & ABOLITION of NUCLEAR WEAPONS The African Union signed the Pelindaba Treaty designating their countries as a Nuclear Weapon Free Zone. The U.S. signed the Treaty’s protocols in 1996 but did not ratify them. The Riverside Church - Assembly Hall, 120th St & Claremont Ave, NYC. download flyer
No More War Toys, No More War The Granny Peace Brigade is spreading the word: What better gift can we give our children and grandchildren than a world at peace? Join our Smart Toys Campaign. More info Children need smart toys, not war, toys. The Granny Peace Brigade takes this message to Target in Brooklyn for a grass-roots, granny-powered consumer education project. A U.S. Army veteran with a 4-year-old son tells of his concern that he will be unable to counteract the messages of war directed at his son by movies, television and our government.)
Start a re-truthment campaign at a military recruitment center near you.