Author Pam Mordecai Reads at the Diaspora Vibe Gallery
MIAMI - Pam Mordecai, a pioneer in the movement to expose the writing of Caribbean women, will be reading at Diaspora Vibe Gallery, 3938 North Miami Ave, Miami, on March 23, 2006 at 6:30pm.
Dr. Mordecai will read poems and short stories, including work from her most recent collection, The True Blue of Islands. The event, another in the JAMPACT Culture Series, is a fundraiser in aid of JAMPACT's five adopted basic schools in Jamaica: Coles, Crescent Road, Maxfield Park, Mt. Olive, and St. Stephens. JAMPACT's mission is to use our collective energies, intelligence, and resources to make positive contributions towards the improvement of social and economic conditions in Jamaica.
A prolific anthologist, Dr. Mordecai has edited five ground breaking anthologies including Jamaica Woman (with Mervyn Morris), Her True-True Name (with Betty Wilson), and From Our Yard: Jamaican Poetry since Independence and, most recently, Calling Cards: New Poetry from Caribbean/Canadian Women. She has also published sixteen textbooks, four collections of poetry, and five books (poetry and stories) for children. In 2001, Goose Lane Editions published, Certifiable: Poems, which received enthusiastic reviews in Canada, the Caribbean, the UK, and the US. In that year also, Greenwood Press (CT., USA) published Culture and Customs of Jamaica, a reference work co-authored with her husband, Martin.
Pam and her family emigrated from Jamaica in 1993, and are the principals at Sandberry Press in Toronto, Canada.