May 4, 6-8:30 pm
Writing across Cultures: A ReadingHear poems honed in Writing across Cultures, Cave Canem's Spring 2010 Workshop led by Kimiko Hahn. Free and open to the public. Donations to benefit Cave Canem encouraged.
Cave Canem
20 Jay Street, Suite 310-A
Brooklyn, NYMay 6, 6-8 pm
Ars Poetica: DUMBO First Thursday Gallery WalkIf you missed the opening of Ars Poetica, featuring the photographs of Rachel Eliza Griffiths, this is a great chance to view her compelling portraits at your leisure. Refreshments served. Free & open to the public. Artwork is available for purchase & may be seen by appointment through May 31.
Cave Canem
20 Jay Street, Suite 310-A
Brooklyn, NYMay 11, 6-8 pm
Phat Phun TuesdayCave Canem fellow Samantha Thornhill, author of YA novel Seventeen Seasons, reads with young Brooklyn poets Tyler Forsythe, Laura Gonzales, Imani Ragguette, Aliah Gilkes Richardson and Keanu Stowe, ages 12 & under. Reception to follow. Free for students age 18 & under, recommended admission for adults $5-$10.
May 15, 3-5 pm
Cave Canem Acentos IntersectionShelby Stokes & Mundo Rivera join Bessy Reyna, who debuts Memoirs of the Unfaithful Lover / Memorias de la amante infiel, her third collection of poems. Co-sponsored with Acentos. Suggested Donation $5-10.
Cave Canem
20 Jay Street, Suite 310-A
Brooklyn, NY