EVENTS: Upcoming events of interest

Emory University’s

Édouard Glissant Tribute

Emory University’s Department of French and Italian is hosting The Édouard Glissant Tribute, a celebration of the life and work of one of the most important Caribbean intellectuals whose thought has been an influence for post-colonial theory, world literature, cultural and literary theory, and philosophies of race and difference.

The Édouard Glissant Tribute will include a screening of the recent documentary Édouard Glissant: One World in Relation (2009, directed by Manthia Diawara) followed by a roundtable with Professor Bernadette Cailler, hosted by Professor Valérie Loichot. A reception will follow.

The tribute will take place on Thursday, November 3, 2011, from 6:30pm until 8:30pm at White Hall 206, Emory University, in Atlanta, Georgia. It is part of the activities of Comparative Caribbeans: an Interdisciplinary Conference, which takes place November 3-5, 2011, featuring keynote speakers Guillermina De Ferrari (University of Wisconsin-Madison), Natalie Melas (Cornell University), Mara Negrón (University of Puerto Rico-Río Piedras), and Rubén Ríos Ávila (University of Puerto Rico-Río Piedras). [See previous posts Call for Papers: Comparative Caribbeans, An Interdisciplinary Conference and Deadline Extended: Comparative Caribbeans: An Interdisciplinary Conference.]

For more information, see







Hispanic Heritage

Month at the BFC/A:

Focus on Sara Gómez


Today marks the first day of Hispanic Heritage Month, and the BFC/A is honoring Afro-Cuban filmmaker Sara Gómez.  Gomez made numerous short documentaries and newsreels for ICAIC, the Cuban national film institute, but is primarily known for her feature film De Cierta Manera (One Way or Another).



Here is the list of films we will feature:

Monday, September 19 at 7:00 pm

De Cierta Manera (One Way or Another), dir: Sara Gómez, 1974

Location: Monroe County Public Library Auditorium

This screening is co-sponsored by CUBAmistad.


Friday, September 30 at 2:00 pm

A Selection of Documentary Shorts by Sara Gómez

Location: Black Film Center/Archive


Friday, October 7 at 2:00 pm

¿Donde està Sara Gómez? (Where is Sara Gómez), dir: Alessandra Müller, 2005

Location: Black Film Center/Archive

** All screenings are free and open to the public and will be followed by discussions.**








Forthcoming Symposium:


“Puerto Rican Studies


for a New Century”


President of the Puerto Rican Studies Association (PRSA) Roberto Márquez (William R. Kenan, Jr. Professor of Latin American and Caribbean Studies, Mount Holyoke College) announces the inaugural annual membership meeting of the association, in conjunction with a one day symposium organized around the theme “Puerto Rican Studies for a New Century: Challenges, Prospects and Possibilities.” With featured speakers Edna Acosta-Belén, Juan Flores, and Lawrence La Fountain-Stokes, the symposium will be held on Saturday, October 29, 2011, from 10:00am to 2:00pm, in Assembly Room 615W, at Hunter College, City University of New York (CUNY), 68th Street and Lexington Avenue, New York City.

Edna Acosta-Belén is Distinguished Service Professor of Latin American, Caribbean, U.S. Latino and Woman’s Studies at the University at Albany, SUNY, where she has served as Director of its Center for Latino, Latin American and Caribbean Studies. She is co-founder and editor of the Latin(a) ResearchReview and author of works such as Puerto Ricans in the United States: A Contemporary Portrait (with Carlos Santiago) and Researching Women in Latin America and the Caribbean (with Christine Bose).  

Juan Flores is professor of social and cultural analysis in the Latino Studies Division of the Department of Social and Cultural Analysis at New York University. Winner of the prestigious international Casa de Las Americas Prize for Insularismo e ideología burguesa (1980), he was also the recipient, in 2009, of its Premio Extraordinario de Estudios sobre los Latinos en Estados Unidos for his collection Bugalú y otros guisos: ensayos sobre culturas Latinas en Estados Unidos. His other publications include Divided Borders: Essays on Puerto Rican Identity(1980), From Bomba to Hip-Hop: Puerto Rican Culture and Latin Identity (2000), A Companion to Latina/o Studies (2007), and The Diaspora Strikes Back (2009).

Lawrence La Fountain-Stokes is associate professor of Spanish at the University of Michigan-Ann Arbor. Writer, poet, playwright, and performer, he is the author of Queer Ricans: Cultures and Sexualities in the Diaspora (2009) and a collection of short stories, Uñas pintandas de azul/Blue Fingernails (2009).

To pre-register for this event, go to

For more information on this event and other PRSA activities, see

[Image: Antonio Martorell’s 2001 “Homenaje a Magritte (Esto no es una Marina)”]
