Quality of Life in Africa Infographic
Infrographic project for my Communication Design 1 class at LCAD Our assignment was to pick a topic personal, global, etc. and research anything and everything about it. Once we collected our data we then had to look over it and figure out what the data is saying and group similar data together. The last step was to create a visual representation of that data that will clearly communicate what the data is saying.I divided the continent into regions rather than individual countries because I felt the important information would get lost among the other countries data, information, etc. The data was organized in three major data groups: age, wealth, and HIV/AIDS. For each data level , e.g. GDP, I took the data for all of the countries in each region and averaged them out to get a number that would represent the region.I plan on adding a bit more information to this infographic such as the biggest and smallest data for each region.All my information came from cia.gov
via behance.net