HAITI: Life Abundantly: Exclusive Video Direct from Haiti

Exclusive Video Direct from Haiti

By amun ra on Well Meaning


Dr. Abdul Alim Muhammad returns from an 8-day mission in Haiti…..watch his video!

The Nation of Islam’s Minister of Health Dr. Abdul Alim Muhammad has safely returned to the United States after an 8-day mission in Haiti. Below is a video he posted on his blog Life Abundantly.

Dr. Alim says “Here is video of some of the destruction of the government buildings and infra-structure that has virtually shut governmental operations down. They were not all that good before the quake. Now they are almost none existent.”

“Foreigners, some well meaning, others not, are swarming all over Haiti and the people are suffering horribly. The video was shot by me from a moving car on my second day in Haiti a week ago,” he said.

Be sure to follow Dr. Alim’s blog for more reports.


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As a nutritional healer with more than 35 years of experience, my work helping people to achieve perfect health is my greatest passion. But in addition, I love teaching and even a little preaching. I play music everyday on my trombone and write poetry. I reside with my wife, Patrice, just outside of Washington DC.

