Must See Documentary
- 'Colored Confederates:
Myth Or Matter Of Fact?'
There has been a movement for the longest time by so-called "historians" who argue and claim to have definitive proof that there were many black slaves, up to over 90,000 some claim, who fought for the Confederacy during the Civil War.
The reason why this fact hasn't been more well known, according to these mainly white Southern historians and defenders of "Southern heritage" , is because of an evil and diabolical conspiracy created by Union sympathizers and historians who have the audacity to claim that black slavery was a horrible and destructive thing - the lasting legacy of which we're still struggling with today.
In fact, they say it wasn't even remotely as bad as people say it was. It was simply one neighbor just helping out another neighbor in times of need.
Thankfully, educator and documentary filmmaker Ken Wyatt, has made a truly fascinating and much needed film to set this nonsense straight, in his new documentary, Colored Confederates: Myth or Matter of Fact?, which is now playing the film festival circuit here and in Germany, and will soon be screened at the Black Harvest Film Festival in Chicago in August.
Wyatt sets the facts straight and clears away this utter nonsense with clear analysis and undisputed evidence that there weren't any black slaves who fought for the Confederate, despite alleged "evidence" otherwise.
And besides, even the idea of such a claim of slaves fighting for the South is totally illogical. What slave owner would give a gun to one of his slaves, to use against the Union Army? The slave would have turned the gun on HIM instead.
However, as the documentary shows, not only are there many whites who truly believe that there were black Confederate solders, but it also explores some black sellouts as well, who defend the Confederacy and raised the rebel flag with pride, such as the amazing H.K. Edgarton (pictured above).
The trailer below gives you just a hint of this truly baffling person who travels around the South dressed in a Confederate solider's uniform, praising the Confederacy, slavery (which he likes to call the greatest gift God has ever given to America) and white sumpremacy.
Edgarton, is currently the chairman of the board of directors of the controversial Southern Legal Resource Center, which defends white racist organizations in court, such as the KKK and was in fact, at one time, president of the Asheville North Carolina NAACP.
Well, that is until he was kicked out in 1998 "for not complying with the organization's rules," which is a polite way of saying because he was bat-shit crazy.
I would SO like to believe that Edgarton is really a performance artist and his whole act is really one big put-on, mocking the very beliefs and attitudes of the people who come to see him. Alas, he's for real folks.
As I've said before, I don't make this stuff up. Sometimes it just writes itself.
But do yourself a favor and check out Wyatt's documentary if you have an opportunity to do so. It's definitely worth checking out: