INFO: Gulf Oil Spill Information Resources - GULFSEAGRANT.ORG

Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill

The Gulf of Mexico (GOM) oil spill website, hosted by the four GOM Sea Grant programs, provides visitors with access to a wealth of data concerning the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. Website content will be continually updated, and visitors should check back often for new and revised information.

The spill involves a deepwater drilling platform approximately 50 miles southeast of Venice, La. An explosion and subsequent fire damaged the rig, which capsized and sank on April 22, 2010, after burning for hours. It is unclear how much of the estimated 700,000 gallons (approximately 16,700 barrels) of #2 fuel onboard burned before it sank. The rig is owned by Transocean and is under contract to British Petroleum (BP).

To report oiled wildlife, please call 1-866-557-1401 and leave a message. Messages will be checked hourly. To discuss spill-related damage, please call 1-800-440-0858. To report oiled shoreline or to request volunteer information, please call 1-866-448-5816.

Developments | Recovery | Volunteer Opportunities | Economic Value | Human Health | Oil and Wildlife | Maps and Map Services | Tools | Contract Services | Background Information | Additional Data Sources

[ Info last updated: May 6, 2010 ]



Volunteer Opportunities:

Economic Value:

Human Health:

Oil and Wildlife:

Maps and Map Services:


Contract Services:

  • Coastal Geospatial Services Contract – A FAR Part 36, Indefinite Quantity , Indefinite Delivery (IDIQ), Architectural and Engineering Contract vehicle to provide geospatial services

Background Information:

Additional Data Sources: