Civil rights icon, professor Madhubuti 'forced' out at CSU
CHICAGO STATE | Renowned professor resigns abruptly Friday, saying he was targeted by university President Wayne Watson after pointed criticism over his appointment
April 3, 2010Citing vengefulness on the part of his new boss, Chicago literary and civil rights icon Haki Madhubuti on Friday resigned as an educator at Chicago State University after 26 years.
"This is a difficult time for me. Because of circumstances beyond my control, I have been forced to seek early retirement," Madhubuti said in a statement issued to attendees of the Gwendolyn Brooks Conference for Black Literature and Creative Writing.
"On June 22 , 2009, I issued an open letter to the university community in regards to the appointment of our current president, Dr. Wayne Watson," said the Third World Press founder and Chicago Public Schools charter operator. "I questioned in no uncertain language the flawed and undemocratic process in which he was selected. I was as fully aware when I issued the letter as I am now that all actions have consequences."
First reported by Chicago Sun-Times columnist Mary Mitchell, Madhubuti said his split from the university came after Watson, who took the helm of the South Side institution last year, demoted him.
Madhubuti said Watson demanded he teach four courses a semester -- contrary to his contract -- removed him from the paid staff of the Gwendolyn Brooks Center he founded, and reduced him to volunteer status with the master's program in creative writing that he co-founded.
"I am convinced that this move against me is personal and vindictive," Madhubuti said. "Although I did agree to increase my course load, I rejected the points that removed me from the structures I founded and co-founded at the university."
Many of the 200 attendees at Friday's induction ceremonies for the center's International Literary Hall of Fame for Writers of African Descent expressed regret that the distinguished professor was leaving under such ugliness.
In her Thursday column, Mitchell reported Watson denied Madhubuti was being forced out, although Watson declined to discuss details of the departure.
"That is his decision. I am only asking him to teach," Watson told Mitchell.
Madhubuti has filed a grievance against the university.
Madhubuti rose to international fame as a fiery poet who gave voice to the pain of the 1960s civil rights movement and founded the renowned black publishing firm that distributed black authors deemed untouchable by the mainstream publishers in the early '60s.
The prolific poet and longtime educator also operates three Chicago public charter schools and a private preschool he founded with his wife.
"Haki Madhubuti, he is an institution," said acclaimed author, biographer and researcher Maryemma Graham, a university of Kansas English professor inducted into the center's hall of fame Friday. "The Chicago State MFA program and Gwendolyn Brooks Center has become as powerful and renowned as it has in part because of his presence. That will never change."
The views expressed in these blog posts are those of the author and not of the Chicago Sun-Times.
Haki Madhubuti Resigns As Professor, Leaves CSU
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"Madhubuti said Watson demanded he teach four courses a semester -- contrary to his contract -- removed him from the paid staff of the Gwendolyn Brooks Center he founded, and reduced him to volunteer status with the master's program in creative writing that he co-founded."
Watson has stated that he simply wanted Madhubuti to devote more time to actually teaching students and that the decision to resign was Madhubuti's own, denying that he made Madhubuti leave his post at CSU. Regardless, it is a huge loss for the creative writing program at CSU. The relationship between Madhubuti and Watson did not start off as a good one, as Madhubuti wrote an open letter criticizing and questioning the way Watson was selected as the new president of CSU last summer.
name: Carol D Lee
title: Professor
department: Education & Social Policy
preferred address: ANNENBERG 2120 Campus Drive
EV 2610
telephone number: +1 847 467 1807
Just checked the public records on the Shabazz School. I wonder if they would pay the teachers at their school to only teach one class.
Some of the salaries are fairly heatlthy:
Forget the numbers. Get back to the basic question: Is it wise for CSU to be paying Madhubuti $100,000+ a year to teach ONE class?
Of course not. And they finally realized that, and asked him to take on a larger work load... which "insulted" him somehow, and he decided to tell the world that he was "forced" to retire.
What is this mans degree in ?
What department does he teach in ?
What classes does he teach ?
Can't he easily get another position at another college / university ?
Was he tenured at this college ?
However if you take the statistics that you have, and make the institutions with great stats break out their measurements on their first time full time black freshmen, they do worse than CSU.
Context matters.
I fully realize that everything you read is not necessarily true, but my numbers come from many sources, not just one. You may not like them, but the numbers are real. Unless you think that all of the various sources are all lying?
If you don't believe me, do your own research. Go to google, type in "Chicago State University graduation rate," and click on the links that you see. Feel free to look around and see for yourself.
I still say that you are wrong about the numbers and what they mean. Everything you read is not true.