INFO: Happy Birthday Ghana - March 6th

Independence Day Celebration in Pictures


Today, this great country turned 54. In country years, it is still a young one. My dreams for this country are big. It is the only one I know and can call my own. May this flag ever fly high.
54th Independence day celebration
Our president disappointed me with his famous "mind your own business" statement. He forgot what our first president said: "The Independence of Ghana is meaningless unless it is linked up to the total liberation of Africa" - Dr. Kwame Nkrumah (6th March,1957). For a moment, I felt like we have stepped back in time. Ivory Coast's crisis is our crisis... and we must become part of the solution and not the problem. Ghana's aloofness is a sin of omission. No, I don't think war is the solution.
54th Independence day celebration
This NDC fanatic waved his flag so hard, the wind ripped it. You can see part of it in the sky. In deed, "Ghana shall not die". I think Akuffo Addo must apologize for his immature "all die be die" rant. No one's going to die for him to become president. Now, the boring NDC have somewhere unnecessary to channel their energy. Just because Ghana isn't dying doesn't mean she's doing great. The teachers will get you guys :)
54th Independence day celebration
It was nice watching these guys march in their uniforms and white gloves. I wonder who got the contract to make all those uniforms for all of them? Next time, I'd want to supply them with those white gloves they wear. I'm sure the budget was huge. The white semi-circular blur you see is actually gloves.54th Independence day celebration
This is one of the many groups who came to perform. They did a harvest dance from the Volta Region. The girls all put pillows in their butt to make it bigger for the dance. I thought it was indecent to show you those pictures. But are Ghanaian men that crazy about big butts? Don't they consider them as impediments? Anyway, I deviate. But don't you think, by letting these girls put pillows in their pants to exaggerate the sizes of their butts, we are telling them "Big Butt Good, Small Butt Bad?"
54th Independence day celebration
Before you feel pity for the poor kid on the stretcher, I will show you a trick from back in the day. Whenever you get hungry at these national events, just fake a faint and the red cross will give you free glucose and milk and sometimes, you even get a full meal. So now you know the trick :)
54th Independence day celebration
Obviously, not everybody was keen on watching Uncle Atta perform. The bored put up their own show. These boys have skills. Nobody my generation, who grew up in Ghana knows how to skate. As far as we are concerned, skating is white people's game.
54th Independence day celebration
Somebody somewhere in Accra has got the Gucci dealership. If you need high quality Gucci sandals for the price of peanuts, you know who to call dontcha?54th Independence day celebration
Ghanaians often put Nkrumah and Bob Marley on the same page. I'm yet to decide if they go together. Do you think they do?

Well, I couldn't hang around for very long as I had to go to church. I wonder if my fellow pressmen got their "soli". Please, don't ask me what that means. This final image has nothing to do with pressmen.
54th Independence day celebration
I wish you all the best and do have a great week :)




Your Take: The Bridge Between Ghana and Black America

As Ghana celebrates its independence from colonial rule 54 years ago, its vice president takes time to note the link between his country's liberation struggle and the U.S. civil rights movement.

Marian Anderson, Ralph Bunche, W. Averell Harriman and Kwame Nkrumah (Hulton Archive)

At the stroke of midnight on March 6, 1957, as the new day began, so, too, began a new nation. It was the moment at which the Union Jack was replaced with a flag of red, gold and green with a distinctive black star at is center. The British-ruled Gold Coast was now a self-ruled country, Ghana -- the first sub-Saharan nation to claim its independence from colonialism.

It was a historic event, heralded as the force that urged other sub-Saharan African nations forward in their quests for liberation. What is not as widely discussed is the impact that Ghana's independence also had on America's civil rights movement, or the impact that black America had on Dr. Kwame Nkrumah, the man who would ultimately lead his country to freedom.

Most African intellectuals of that era completed their tertiary and postgraduate education in Europe. It was customary, if not expected. Ever the visionary, Nkrumah set his sights on America. He enrolled in Lincoln University, which has the distinction of being one of America's oldest historically black colleges. There he studied economics, sociology and theology; he also received an informal education in the politics of race and the plight of black people in America.

When Nkrumah was not in school in Philadelphia, he lived in Harlem, N.Y., where he earned a meager living by working such odd jobs as selling fish on the streets and waiting tables on merchant ships. Nkrumah frequented black churches in Harlem and Philadelphia. He aligned himself with black political organizations such as the NAACP, where he met and began working with the scholar W.E.B. Du Bois, who quickly became a mentor to Nkrumah.

Upon completing his studies at Lincoln University, Nkrumah attended the University of Pennsylvania, where he earned master's degrees in education and philosophy. It was there that an already politicized Kwame Nkrumah began to shape his ideas of Pan-Africanism as well as his vision for a liberated and unified continent, a place to which all people of African descent in the Diaspora could return, and a place they could consider home.

Marcus Garvey, the Jamaican activist who advocated black self-reliance in the United States, was another instrumental figure in Nkrumah's life and education. "But I think," Nkrumah noted in his autobiography, "that of all the literature that I studied, the book that did more than any other to fire my enthusiasm was Philosophy and Opinions of Marcus Garvey. Garvey, with his philosophy of 'Africa for Africans' and his 'Back to Africa' movement, did much to inspire the Negroes of America in the 1920s."

During Nkrumah's time at the University of Pennsylvania, he helped to establish its African-studies section. He also established the African Students Association of America and Canada, and served as its first president.

Given all this, it is no wonder that some of the most notable black people in American history were present to witness the moment of Ghana's independence: U.N. Undersecretary for Special Political Affairs Ralph Bunche, also a Nobel Peace Prize recipient; Sen. Charles Diggs; Rep. Adam Clayton Powell Jr.; Mordecai Johnson, the first black president of Howard University; international labor activist Maida Springer; Horace Mann Bond, the first black president of Lincoln University and the father of Julian Bond; Martin Luther King Jr. and Coretta Scott King; and Lucille Armstrong, representing her husband, Louis, who could not attend.

Also present was then-Vice President Richard Nixon. A rather telling story has been written numerous times of how Nixon approached a group of black people whom he assumed to be Ghanaians and asked, "How does it feel to be free?"

"We wouldn't know," they responded. "We're from Alabama." Their response only emphasized a remark made to the vice president by Dr. King at a reception that was held two days prior to independence. It was the first time the two had ever met. "I want you to come visit us down in Alabama," King said, "where we are seeking the same kind of freedom the Gold Coast is celebrating."

The repeated reference to Alabama and freedom was especially poignant because Ghana's independence occurred virtually on the heels of a major civil rights victory there: the Montgomery Bus Boycott. The yearlong boycott began on Dec. 1, 1955, when Rosa Parks refused to get up and give her seat on a bus to a white person, and effectively ended in November of 1956, when the U.S. Supreme Court issued a ruling in which it was declared that the laws of segregation on buses were unconstitutional.

In his book African Americans in Ghana: Black Expatriates and the Civil Rights Era, author Kevin Kelly Gaines writes that "The fulfillment of Ghanaian and African demands for national independence informed many African Americans' struggles for equal citizenship."

During a radio interview that King gave while still in Accra, he said of Ghana's independence: "It renews my conviction in the ultimate triumph of justice. And it seems to me that this is fit testimony to the fact that eventually the forces of justice triumph in the universe, and somehow the universe itself is on the side of freedom and justice. So that this gives new hope to me in the struggle for freedom."

Ghana's close relationship with black America, which was forged by Nkrumah, has continued. Du Bois, who was not at the independence celebrations because the U.S. government refused to issue him a visa, moved to Ghana in 1961 and spent his remaining years here.

The list of African Americans who have called Ghana home is long and includes such people as poet Dr. Maya Angelou, writer and Pan-Africanist George Padmore, writer Julian Mayfield and lawyer-author the Rev. Dr. Pauli Murray. In 2001 Ghana's parliament passed "the Right to Abode"; it is legislation that affords any individual of African descent the ability to live and work here indefinitely. Ghana is the first African country to make such an overture to people in the Diaspora.

"Africa's future is up to Africans," U.S. President Barack Obama said when he addressed Ghana's parliament in July 2009. "The people of Africa are ready to claim that future. And in my country, African Americans -- including so many recent immigrants -- have thrived in every sector of society. We've done so despite a difficult past, and we've drawn strength from our African heritage."

As Obama spoke, I couldn't help thinking how fitting it was for the first black president of America to have chosen Ghana as the destination of his first official visit to Africa. It was a wonderful tribute to a long-standing and important relationship that has defined our mutual destinies.

John Dramani Mahama, vice president of Ghana, is writing a nonfiction book about Africa.

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CHIEF ALFRED SAM (ca. 1881- ? )

Alfred C. "Chief" Sam inspired hundreds of African American Oklahomans to follow him back to their "ancestral home," Africa. Expounding the virtues of Africa's Gold Coast with tales of diamonds lying on the ground after a rain, trees that produced bread, and sugar cane as large as stove pipes, Sam, who claimed to be an African chief, sold passage to Africa in large, camp-style meetings throughout Oklahoma in 1913. By purchasing twenty-five dollars worth of stock from Sam's Akim Trading Company, an African American could retain passage for the whole family to the Gold Coast of Africa. Sam claimed he had access to land that the group could colonize.

Hundreds of Oklahoma families not only purchased the stock but sold their possessions to take the trip. Governmental agencies from Oklahoma, the United States, and England discouraged the enterprise, and most African Americans newspapers attacked the chief and his scheme. Nevertheless, the adherents could not be swayed. One of the leaders in Sam's movement published the African Pioneer, at the All-Black town of Boley, to champion and defend the venture.

Chief Sam raised enough money to purchase the Liberia, an old, iron-hulled, screw-type German steamer, in New York. While Sam traveled there to purchase the vessel and have it repaired in Portland, Maine, close to six hundred Oklahoma blacks established camps near Weleetka. There they prepared for the trek to Galveston to meet the ship. Unfortunately, the residents of these "Gold Coast camps" had to endure a cold Oklahoma winter while Chief Sam ran into economic and legal delays. Many left Oklahoma and joined hundreds of other Sam followers in Galveston to await passage. In June 1914 the Liberia arrived in Galveston. On August 20, 1914, sixty delegates chosen for the first trip sailed with Chief Sam.

After a stopover at Bridgetown, Barbados, the ship traveled on to Mayo Island. Before it left the island, British authorities detained it and rerouted it to Sierra Leone. There they investigated Sam and verified the vessel's ownership. This delay lasted forty-five days, during which Sam's contingent used up most of their provisions. When the group finally reached the Gold Coast, they were warmly welcomed. However, Africa and its culture confounded the immigrants. Many of them suffered and perished from sickness, others were discouraged by the primitive agriculture, and all believed they had been misled. The tribe or powerful families controlled the land and prohibited American ownership. Many of Sam's followers left and found work in the larger cities or migrated to Liberia. Eventually, a number of the travelers made it back to Oklahoma. Chief Sam's back-to-Africa movementconsisted of this one, ill-fated trip. Sam moved to Liberia and spent the rest of his life as a cocoa buyer.


BIBLIOGRAPHY: William E. Bittle and Gilbert Geis, The Longest Way Home: Chief Alfred Sam's Back-to-Africa Movement (Detroit, Mich.: Wayne State University Press, 1964). J. P. Owens, Clearview, (Okemah, Okla.: J. P. Owens, 1995).

Larry O'Dell

© Oklahoma Historical Society



March 6

At is late already, but today is March 6: Ghana Independence Day.

Dutch rapper Kno’Ledge Cesare pays tribute in this video shot in Accra.

  on Mar 6, 2011

2011 Music Video by Kno´Ledge Cesare ft. Valerie & UNOM performing Hell At Home. The Song is from the underground EP The Surge and is produced by Nemesis. Video editen by Syndrum productions.

Download song here:

Follow Kno´Ledge on twitter because why not: @TheSoulRebels