INFO: - March 31, 2010

The Holla from, March 31, 2010

Gender privilege is no myth and despite the structural crisis that Black men face in American society, they often function with significantly more advantages than Black women.
By Mark Anthony Neal

Skinhead pleads guilty to Obama assassination plot. Michigan-based Christian military accused of plotting war against federal gov't. Malcolm X assassin granted parole. ACORN to cease existence as national organization. NYT admits errors in reporting on ACORN controversy. LA police officers fatally shoot unarmed autistic man. Postal service wants to end Saturday mail delivery. Ten young Mexican students killed at drug cartel checkpoint. Israel to allow first shipment of clothes to Gaza in nearly three years. US admits innocent Afghans killed at checkpoints. And even more news...Check it out!

New Blogs!
Jackie Jones writes:
Why does someone have to be called a nasty name for trying to work out a compromise that most folks could live with? Isn't that what politics is about? Isn't calling the deal meaningless and reversible not only attacking Stupak, but calling President Obama - wait for it - "liar." 
Mmmm, where have we heard that before?

Jackie Jones writes:
let's look at a couple of easy ways to save a couple of bucks, even when you think you can't.

House OKs landmark healthcare reform bill. Racial, homophobic epithets shouted at right-wing protest. House backs student aid overhaul. University of Florida students protest police shooting of African graduate student. Ban: Haiti in "race against time" before rainy season. New York homelessness soars 34%. Up to 500,000 march for immigration reform in DC.

Federal investigators have widened their probe into the New Orleans Police Department and are now looking into the circumstances surrounding four other incidents that include three deaths and one non-fatal shooting in the immediate aftermath of Hurricane Katrina.

Federal panel finds NY Dept. of Education discriminated against Arabic school principal. Study: Black and Latinos face longer prison sentences. Wife of Justice Clarence Thomas creates Tea Party-linked lobbying group. Unemployment rate for young veterans reaches 21.1 percent. Hundreds of students protest cuts in Atlanta. House might pass health care bill without direct vote. Study finds link between childhood obesity and school lunch. "The War Next Door" in Mexico.
And MUCH more...Check the REAL news!

Study: Median wealth for single Black women: $100, single Hispanic women: $120, single white Women: $41,000. AIG units settle allegations of discriminatory lending. Rangel takes leave as Ways and Means chair. Report: Right-wing extremist groups grew 244% in 2009. Study: Common weedkiller turns male frogs into females. From New York to Liberia, investigative journalist Greg Palast tracks vulture funds preying on African debt. PA rejects talks with Israel in settlement row. Report: high number of birth defects seen in Fallujah. And MUCH more! check the reeeeal news!

Oscar Notes: Why "Precious" fits into the Oscars tribute to horror films...Why Lee Daniels should not be the first African American director nominated in the Best Picture category...The bumrush of the mic...And "Avatar" versus the haters.
By Esther Iverem

Jackie Jones writes:
Let me state right from the start that I am not unbiased here. But beyond my own prejudices, I've got some genuine questions about how black children can be expected to achieve when those who do are challenged about what they know.

Though "Brooklyn's Finest" might be dismissed easily as yet another cop movie, it has several strong points that raise it above what we have come to expect from this graft and guns blazing genre. It also raises the question, Is dark the color of my true criminal's skin?
By Esther Iverem

jrswriter writes:
"...Working class white folks who played by the rules and believed in the system now find themselves suffering and barely hanging on. They watch as Wall Street crooks and shysters get away with unspeakable financial fraud and get over like fat cats. (Bernie Madoff is only in jail because he turned himself in!) They see the Military Industrial Complex being shoveled trillions of dollars, while the insurance companies and banks are about to rip them off even more with the willing help of our Congress Critters..."

While the recent Supreme Court decision on corporate personhood, The Citizen's United case, has evoked considerable commentCorporate interests have owned the political process -- and politicians -- for the better part of a century.
By Mumia Abu-Jamal

Ex-police Lt. admits to cover-up in post-Katrina killings. Following string of racist incidents, UC San Diego students occupy chancellor's office. Van Jones to head think tank's "Green Opportunity Initiative." Obama signs extension of PATRIOT Act. Documents reveal Pentagon spied on Planned Parenthood. Hundreds of thousands lose unemployment benefits due to GOP filibuster. Dodd abandons efforts to create Consumer Financial Protection Agency. Admin to seek improved wages, benefits at federal contractors. VA to review disability claims of Gulf War vets. FBI, US Attorney investigating Penn. school district's computer spying on young students. US firms probed for role in Greek financial crisis. UN approves Goldstone Report resolution on Gaza war crimes. Check the REAL news!

Welcome our new blogs!
Pediatrician Chu Chu Onwuachi-Saunders offers practical advice and strategies for girls experiencing puberty (especially menarche, or getting their first period.) Her first post is:


By Ari Merretazon

Also check out the new posts on:

By Jackie Jones

By jrswriter

By Charlene Muhammad

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