Activist Poet & Founder of the Blacks Arts Movement Amri Baraka is Interviewed on Democracy Now!
8Mar2011 Filed under: Activism, African Americans in the Media, Black Power Movement, Black in America, Progressives, Re-Builiding Our Communities, Reclaiming Democracy Author: Jonathan Jelks
Activist, Playright, & Poet the legendary Amri Baraka is interviewed on Democracy Now! He talks about the genesis of the riots in Newark, New Jersey! And the civil unrest that caused a change in Newark Politics!
The 1967 Newark riots were a major civil disturbance that occurred in the city of Newark, New Jersey between July 12 and July 17, 1967. The six days of rioting, looting, and destruction left 26 dead and hundreds injured.
In the period leading up to the riots, several factors led local African-American residents to feel powerless and disenfranchised. In particular, many felt they had been largely excluded from meaningful political representation and often suffered police brutality.Furthermore, unemployment, poverty, and concerns about low-quality housing contributed to the tinder-box.