INTERVIEW: Paul Mooney: An intergenerational dialogue. > from The Liberator Magazine

Paul Mooney: An intergenerational dialogue.

{ feature}

"If you had a revolution in California you'd have to kill half the black people there."
~Paul Mooney

This joint is getting featured for two days. It's that good. Brothers and sisters, listen to Paul Mooney. By no means is he smooth or tactful with the wisdom he drops, but if you calm yourself, you can get it. You'll need to get to about the 5:00 minute mark before it starts getting good.

Mooney gives it honest and raw on Hollywood's brainwashing machine, the Elvis-Eminem-Al Jolson-Asher Roth phenomenon, black consciousness, intergenerational misunderstanding in our community, sell-outs, the allure of fame, definitions of success, how he fulfilled his life purpose, health versus wealth, "black Anglo-Saxons" (I knew they existed!), and more.

Keep It On The (Download)

1 response
I'm going to be HONEST and say I almost stopped listening to this radio interview because despite Paul Mooney dropping "raw" gems of wisdom, Chris Spencer and the rest of those young cats were just exercising buffoonery to no end. What they thought was funny by using the "N" word at every opportunity was just complete ignorance in my opinion.

And I say "ignorance" because, frankly, I don't see how any person of African descent who (assuming) has a GRASP of OUR HISTORY and the atrocities that were imposed upon us as a race can be so cavalier with the "N" word.

We are the ONLY race on the planet where some of us have universally embraced a word with the original sole purpose of denigrating people of African descent. Now some of us (and damn, other races/ethnicities, too!!!) use it as an excuse as a term of endearment or using the "N" word in other contextual ways to diffuse or minimize it's original effect or intent. With 400 years of OUR HISTORY and this word, how can anyone of African descent be serious about using the word without drudging up it's original historical context with pain and hurt???!! Yeah, my pain and hurt!

Anyway, the "Bowling The Monster" joke (a take on the film Monster's Ball) was too grand, though. It was on point. :-)

My 2-cents!