INTERVIEW: Zwelethu Mthethwa - Dazed & Confused on ‘new South African culture’ > from Africa is a Country

Dazed & Confused on ‘new South African culture’

May 13, 2010 · 2 Comments

The June issue of culture magazine, Dazed & Confused, will a 32-page section on “new South African youth culture” (I want to see what’s in it, although as a I note below, I may be disappointed).  The artist Zwelethu Mthethwa (he has a new monograph published by Aperture) contributes the issue’s “Last Shot.” Dazed Digital went to film Mthethwa in his studio. (Interestingly, Mthethwa’s work is talked about in the context of the past. Apparently economic Apartheid is over. Thanks for telling me.)

Mo’ fire to Mthethwa.

P.S. Predictably the issue also include a spread of performance artists Die Antwoord who took the reporter to the coloured ghetto of Mitchell’s Plain. Higgovale was too dangerous?

– Sean Jacobs