18 September 2012
Feminist Africa:
African Feminist
Engagements with Film
The perspectives of our contributors –makers, organizers, distributors, theorists and critics of film- all offer to deepen and nuance our understanding of the manner in which we engage with various aspects of film and the film industry. These include the history of colonial subjugation and enslavement, as well as contemporary global cultural regimes, all of which have operated to erase and mis-represent women from Africa and to service the appetites and cravings of others, in ways that were often at the very least inimical to our well-being.
Feminist Africa presents its Issue 16 2012, "African Feminist Engagements with Film". Founded by noted scholar, writer, theorist, and film producer Amina Mama, its aim is "to provide a forum for progressive, cutting-edge gender research and feminist dialogue focused on the continent." The Issue 16 2012 is co-edited by writer and filmmaker Yaba Badoe and filmmaker and professor Salem Mekuria.
Editorial– by Yaba Badoe, Amina Mama and Salem Mekuria
FEATURES– by Salem Mekuria– by Lindiwe Dovey– by Beti Ellerson– by Kwamena Kwansah-Aidoo and Joyce Osei Owusu– by Jihan El Tahri– by Yaba Badoe– by Abena P. A. Busia
STANDPOINT- by Nana Darkoa Sekyiamah
PROFILE- by Yaba Badoe- by Iman Kamel
REVIEW– by Sokari Ekine- by Yaba Badoe