August 201235 posts0 tags8 tagsSlavoj Žižek Compendium2006, The Neighbor 2006, The Parallax View 2006, The Universal Exception 2007, Mao On Practice and Contradiction 2008, In Defense of Lost Causes 2008, Violence 2009, First as Tragedy, Then as Farce 2009, Philosophy in the Present 2009, The Monstrosity of Christ: Paradox or Dialectic? 2010, Living in the End Times 2012, Less Than Nothing6 tagsSlavoj Žižek Compendium2000, The Art of the Universally Sublime 2001, On Belief 2001, Opera’s Second Death 2001, The Fright of Real Tears 2002, Introduction and Afterward to Revolution at the Gates by V. I. Lenin 2002, Welcome to the Desert of the Real 2003, Abercrombie and Fitch Quarterly - Back to School 2003, Conversations with Zizek 2003, Organs Without Bodies: Deleuze and Consequences 2003, The...4 tagsSlavoj Žižek Compendium1991, For They Know Not What They Do 1992, Enjoy Your Symptom! 1992, Everything You Wanted to Know About Lacan But Were Afraid to Ask Hitchcock 1992, Tarrying With the Negative 1994, The Metastases of Enjoyment 1995, Mapping Ideology 1996, The Indivisible Remainder 1997, The Abyss of Freedom 1997, The Plague of Fantasies 1999, The Ticklish Subject 2000, Contingency, Hegemony,...6 tagsSlavoj Žižek Compendium1992, Looking Awry Of interest: The third part—”Fantasy, Bureaucracy, Democracy”—draws some conclusions from Lacan’s late theory, concerning the field of ideology and politics. First, it delineates the contours of the ideological sinthome (a superegoic voice, for example) as a core of enjoyment at work in the midst of every ideological edifice and thus sustaining our...4 tags0 tags8 tagsThe Darker Nations (Vijay Prashad, full PDF) →doveilmiosoldi: This is a great history of the Third World & the Non-Alignment Movement, and anyone who isn’t familiar with that history should really read this. Prashad is one of my absolute favorite academics in cultural studies (his other books, Everybody Was Kung Fu Fighting: Afro-Asian Connections and the Myth of Cultural Purity and The Karma of Brown Folk, are also well worth the...7 tags8 tags3 tags0 tags0 tags9 tags6 tags2 tags0 tags
8 tags6 tags8 tags2 tags4 tags5 tags4 tagsA people's history of the United States, by Howard...8 tags6 tags9 tags11 tags8 tags3 tags9 tags4 tags0 tags8 tags4 tagsAssorted Marxist books in PDFMichael Parenti Make-Believe Media Michael Parenti Democracy for the Few 9th Edition Michael Parenti Blackshirts and Reds Harvey Rebel Cities from the Right to the City to the Urban Revolution by David Harvey 2012...July 201273 posts12 tags0 tags“The copy of ‘Negative Dialectics’ by Theodor Adorno is from the...”– Editor’s message from antisocial-socialist5 tags16 tags9 tags0 tagsJust as a heads up, the Ashton translation of Negative Dialectics (which is the only book version, so I think it’s the one you just posted, but I can’t tell because I don’t have the proper device to open the file) is purportedly very unreliable. Here’s an online version that someone else did, and I think Robert Hullot-Kentor (who retranslated Aesthetic Theory) is working on...0 tags7 tags0 tags5 tags4 tags5 tagsA large series of the works of Marx and Engels. tags12 tags0 tagsbell hooks resourcesthemindislimitless: Edit 13th June: a lot of the PDFs have been taken down from those websites. There’s a .rar of the 16 from 24 June here, thanks to classickk. If THAT gets taken down, send me an ask. If you have any more, or alternate links just in case these ever get removed, feel free to add to the list. Pass the resources along! Ain’t I a Woman (pdf) Art on my Mind (pdf download) Beauty...6 tags3 tagsPower/Knowledge: Selected Interviews & Other... →facelessinblack: h/t to noneofthismatters0 tagsKilling Hope: U.S. Military & CIA Interventions...Download link.8 tags14 tags10 tags0 tagsAlso not in ebook form, but still! Noam Chomsky Archive.6 tags5 tags9 tags7 tags6 tags7 tags8 tags1 tag0 tags4 tagsI know it’s not in ebook format, but this is pretty interesting. tagsFeliks Dzerzhinsky: A Biography →YOU HAD TO KNOW I’D DO THIS!! xD7 tags6 tags0 tags5 tagsRosa Luxemburg's Accumulation of Capital0 tags Includes: David Harvey’s Companion to Marx’s Capital Engels’ Principles of Communism Athusser’s Contradiction and Overdetermination All pdf files.10 tags11 tags10 tags8 tags0 tags11 tags0 tagsSteal This Book - Abbie Hoffman →Steal this Book is broken up into three sections, “Survive!”, “Fight!”, and “Liberate!”. Each section has several sub-chapters each pertaining to its section. The section “Survive!” is all about getting “free” things and as its title indicates, surviving. It includes chapters on how to acquire food, clothing, furniture, transportation, land, housing, education, medical care, communication,...5 tagsFriendly reminder, comrades!For those of us with a Kindle, much of what we want to read is unavailable other than in the ePub or PDF format, with which the Kindle is incompatible. However, they can be converted to .MOBI format with the Calibre. This is explained with ePub and PDF files. This software will automatically convert them to .MOBI to put on the Kindle, which is particularly useful when dealing with Google Books,...3 tagsLeon Trotsky's Terrorism and Communism7 tags0 tags4 tags13 tags0 tags3 tagsThe Other Volumes of Das Kapital8 tags2 tags3 tagsSome of Engels' Writings These are the principles of communism and Wage Labour and Capital. Lots of good Marxist books are on, so check that out.6 tags10 tags10 tags8 tags0 tags8 tags4 tags4 tags0 tagsthemadwomanintheattic asked: I see a 'submit' tab, do you want our leftist e-books to just be submitted or would you like a message with links first? Unfortunately, I don't have a lot of e-books, but I can give what I have sometime.1 taginstagramsci asked: this blog is awesome. do you have any thomas sankara?6 tags14 tags5 tags7 tags7 tags7 tags0 tagsIntroduction to this blogAs you know, this blog is exclusively for finding leftist epubs and other ebook formats for your kindle/nook/electronic reading device. We made sure that this blog can not only help collectivize the ebooks, but also spread Marxist teachings possible. Education and knowledge is important for a revolutionary struggle. As for now, we are going to start posting various books in either .PDF format via...