Exclusive Video:

Behind the Barricades

at Occupy Oakland

| Thu Oct. 27, 2011 7:30 PM PDT


A day after police fired tear gas and projectiles at Occupy Oakland protestors, I turned my camera on those who gathered again at Frank Ogawa plaza. For more of our Occupy Wall Street coverage, click here.

Additional photo and video credits: thomashawk/Flickr; O'Halloran, Thomas J. and Leffler, Warren K./US News and World Report/Wikimedia; JacobRuff/Wikimedia Commons; Keoki Seu/Flickr; /YouTube; Ella Baker Center/Flickr


The Week in Pictures:

Occupy Oakland

From the West Coast's answer to #hipstercop to an intense photog-police showdown, here are the must-see images from this week's #occupyoakland crackdown.

  1. 1. The Real Story is What Happened Next:

  2. On Tuesday, Oakland Tribune staff photographer Karl Mondon snapped this shot of his colleague Ray Chavez covering Tuesday's mayhem. But the real story, as Chavez related to his Facebook friends, is what happened next:
  3.  "Another cop grabbed my camera from the flash, broke it and threw it somewhere on the ground. Fortunately, I was able to find it in bad shape. But before I found it, I was hit with rubber bullets or tear gas canisters on my torso, where I have three bruises from that—I'm not crying, it's just for your info—May be the cop who was aiming down with the rifle shot me from a distance while I was taking other photos of the protesters being pushed back. What a crazy day/night! I'm glad I'm safe home now."
  4. 2. #HipsterCop, Meet #Navyman

  5. Amidst the fog of teargas and flash-bang grenades, an inspiring figure in uniform appeared to be everywhere on Tuesday night:
  6. Local news site The Bay Citizen got the best shots of #Navyman, as he was quickly dubbed on Twitter, and ID'd him as six-year Navy veteran Joshua Sheperd, who carried a copy of the U.S. constitution and a Veterans for Peace flag. (More great protest pics from The Bay Citizen here.)
  7. 3. Not-So-Fun Bean Bags

  8. The Oakland Police Department may have violated its own crowd-control policy by firing bean-bag rounds at protesters. As MoJo's Gavin Aronsen reports, OPD can direct these painful projectiles only at individual targets posing serious threat of harm to police or others. But that's not what he and other saw Tuesday night.
  9. 4. The Woman in the Wheelchair

  10. It's cool how the bright blue light of her this woman's wheelchair cuts through the yellow tear-gas fog.
  11. 5. Scott Olsen

  12. Heartbreaking pictures of 24-year-old Iraq war veteran Scott Olsen. It's still not clear what type of police-fired projectile struck him in the head, but Oakland mayor Jean Quan visited Olsen in the hospital on Thursday and apologized, taking responsibility for his injury. Olsen's condition has been downgraded to fair from critical, and is now awake and lucid.
  13. 6. This is Not a War Zone

  14. PHOTO: Cops fire tear gas on #OccupyOakland protesters for a second time - http://t.co/Ql4bQYiC
  15. 7. Gearing Up

  16. Oakland police, Tuesday October 25
  17. 8. Cyclone Fence as Public Art

  18. What became of a temporary fence erected around the former site of #occupyoakland's tent city after Tuesday morning's raid on the campsite. Protesters tore down the fence Wednesday night, with no police interference.
  19. There's plenty more we could have included--Oakland Riot Kitty, tear-gas canister droppings, day-after bruises. Share your must-see pics from this ceaselessly intense week in Oakland in the comments.