Dear Beyonce:
Girls Do NOT Run the World
Monday May 30, 2011 – by Britni Danielle
Much has been made about Beyonce’s latest single, “Run the World (Girls).” From Bey stans loving the video and choreography, to others complaining about the busyness of the track, Beyonce’s “Girls” hasn’t quite had the impact she, or her label, might have liked.
An interesting thing that has grown out of the single and Beyonce’s reemergence on the music scene, however, has been a discussion of feminism. Clutch’s Arielle Loren and Jezebel’s Dodai Stewart both wondered if Beyonce’s brand of girl power was just another side of contemporary feminism or a ploy to make money. Although both writers came to different conclusions, their articles sparked an interesting conversation—is Beyonce really a feminist or just a woman who knows that empowerment anthems (usually) sell?
Last week, video blogger and self-described “thinker,” NineteenPercent, posted a response to Beyonce’s “Girls” video. In her video response, NineteenPercent wonders how girls or women can really run the world when we are constantly discriminated against.
Although NineteenPercent says the “video is not about Beyonce” specifically, using the song to spark a discussion about the standing of women—who are the majority of the population—seems like the perfect tie-in.
Check out NineteenPercent’s video, “Beyonce-Run the Worl (Lies)” and let us know what you think!