Charlie Brooker
How TV Ruined Your Life
The world is in shambles. Civilization is in free fall. And it’s all because of that ubiquitous electronic box spewing Snooki and Ozzy and The Donald into the homes of innocent people, polluting their minds and corrupting their souls. Or anyway, that’s what British comedian Charlie Brooker thinks.
Brooker is in a position to know. He makes his living off the offending medium, writing and appearing on such caustic programs as Charlie Brooker’s Screenwipe, his hilarious and merciless biting of the hand that feeds. Earlier this year BBC Two presented its follow-up to Screenwipe, a six-part series titled How TV Ruined Your Life. The result is one part social satire, two parts raving lunacy, as the misanthropic Brooker—remote control clenched furiously in hand—takes us on a manic channel-surfing tour of the depravity.
In the window above we feature Episode 3: “Aspiration.” The other five installments can be accessed through the links below. Warning: How TV Ruined Your Life contains harsh language that would not be safe for work. (But then, if you’re watching half-hour comedy shows at the office you’re probably skating on thin ice anyway.)
Episode 1: “Fear”
Episode 2: “The Lifecycle”
Episode 4: “Love”
Episode 5: “Progress”
Episode 6: “Knowledge”