Redemption, Resurrection & Bull
Written by Bené Viera on June 29th, 2010Yep, I’m talking about Chris Brown’s performance Sunday night on the BET’s 10th Anniversary Awards Show, which is already being considered the revival of his career.
I’ll be the first to admit his tribute to Michael Jackson in terms of the choreography was on point. The silhouette of the dancers glowing in the dark to “Smooth Criminal” was insane! His performance was undeniably entertaining.
And then there was the brilliantly staged break down his PR team orchestrated. In the middle of singing MJ’s “Man in the Mirror” Chris couldn’t control his emotions and began to sob uncontrollably causing him the inability to sing.
Chris Brown MJ Tribute BET Awards 2010
I was annoyed to say the least. My rants on Twitter did not go unread as I began receiving several @ Tweets and even a text message about why I shouldn’t go so hard on him.
So that my position is clear and there is no room for interpretation of what I mean, I’m going to directly state it. I’m not a fan of Chris Brown, never was. I never purchased any of his albums and wouldn’t do so now.
I absolutely believe in second chances, and don’t necessarily believe his woman-beating incident should forever define him.
However, I don’t understand why so many women and men alike feel obligated to tell me I shouldn’t feel the way I do about him. It’s not like I’m imploring his stans to denounce him. Therefore, let me voice my opinion without trying to change my mind.
Approximately 1.3 million women every year are physically abused by their partner according to the American Bar Association Commission on Domestic Violence. Yet the punishment for domestic violence is similar to that of rape- bare minimum. Our laws punishing the assault of women are deplorable. These days a man is sentenced to more time for selling crack than for physically assaulting a woman. Brown’s slap on the wrist community service and five year probation is a prime example.
I would have much more respect for CB post the Rihanna incident if his actions in the past year and a half have shown he was genuinely remorseful for what he has done. Instead all I hear is him whining about how his career has suffered. From his teleprompter public apology, to the insincere interview with Larry King, to his Twitter rants about his music not being sold or played, I’ve seen no growth. What I have seen is a sense of entitlement.
As an artist Chris Brown should without a doubt have the right to create his music which he has continued to do. What he isn’t entitled to is having the same level of success he had prior to him smashing Rihanna’s face with his fist. I’m not saying he should never be successful again, but he’s not entitled to it just because he’s some Pop singer who knows how to moonwalk across the stage.
Chris’ break down really proved he’s in need of the number to Ron Artest’s therapist. In all honesty he really needs to seek help because his actions in the past year have been a cry for help. I really hope he seeks the therapy he needs to heal and become a better man.
What I’m more concerned with moreso than C Breezy’s come to Jesus moment is the mindset of the masses. All an entertainer has to do is dance like Mike, cry and all is good in the world again. James Brown and Marvin Gaye were no different. We all loved them unconditionally despite their abusive ways.
Then there is this troubling mindset that a woman must be at fault for her abuse. The minute the world got wind of the CB and Rihanna situation the Rihanna blame game began. “She must of hit him. I heard she gave him Herpes. Rihanna is crazy she deserved it.” As a society we’re truly flawed when we start blaming victims for their abuse. The same sentiments were expressed with the beating of Kat Stacks, which was recorded for everyone to witness.
Why is there such sympathy and forgiveness for men, but blame and condemnation for women?
Everyone wants to turn a blind eye to the way women are treated in this country. Especially, when it comes to society’s obsession with pop culture. The men can do no wrong, but the women are always to blame.
Sorry, I don’t subscribe to this notion. Just like I can criticize Alicia Keys for sleeping with a married man, I will also hold CB to the same standard of criticism.
So please dismiss me with your devoted love for Chris. I don’t have to revel in his moment of redemption and resurrection, just like you have the choice to be happy for him. In my book a ploy to reestablish your career is not authentic and I call bulls*#@!
Chris, “[I] don’t believe you, you need more people.”
Comments (3)
nesha · 1 day ago
WrittenbyBene 2p · 23 hours ago
Jared · 9 hours ago
I share your feelings about this situation. I have not been a Chris Brown fan, actually I am not much of a pop artist fan (but for some reason lady gaga's songs always tend to catch my attention). Nevertheless, I do believe that CB does deserve a second chance. In this world where male public figures (i.e.-tiger woods, Kobe Bryant, MJ, Barkley...and the list goes on) have "moral failure", we tend to be forgiving and crucify anyone whose "forgiveness" does not look like our own.
In the image driven celebrity culture, it is really hard for me to think that his PR Manager did not script his act. I am not saying that he did not feel the pain he showed but why wait until the BET awards to breakdown like that? I am sure he didn't break down when the country of England closed their doors to him. There are always three sides when a public figure "goes down". Those who want to act like nothing happened and continue to follow blindly, those who are overly critical and were waiting for the individual to fall, and those like yourself (who either liked him/her or not); who want to see the person (not the public figure) be better (maybe he does need to call Ron Artests psychologist).
Not only do the specific moral issues need to be addressed, but the systematic issues need to be taken on. Why is it okay for someone who beats another human being only be given community service? In my class of Gender and Race, my professor outlined a social hierarchy. White males are on the top, white females are second, men of color are third, and women of color are unfortunately at the bottom. This means that white men, for the most part, have the authority to do pretty much what they want and for the most part everyone under would be blamed who is under him if an altercation happens (i.e.-see case in seattle). I am not saying that this is ALWAYS the case; however, it is often the case. With the hierarchy it allowed CB to do what he did and people question Rhianna. Sad case. Let's hope some systematic change comes soon.