PUB: Call for Papers (Deadline Extended): “Shifting the Geography of Reason” > Repeating Islands

Call for Papers (Deadline Extended):

“Shifting the Geography of Reason”

The Caribbean Philosophical Association (CPA) has extended the deadline for its 2011 conference—Shifting the Geography of Reason VIII: The University, Public Education, and the Transformation of Society—which will take place September 29 to October 1, 2011, at Rutgers University in New Brunswick, New Jersey. [For full description see previous post Shifting the Geography of Reason VIII: The University, Public Education, and the Transformation of Society.] The deadline for submissions is now April 30, 2011.

While the Association is highlighting the theme of “The University, Public Education, and the Transformation of Society” in response to the multiple challenges facing the university—particularly areas such as ethnic, women and gender studies, and the humanities more generally, and the crisis of public education today—the organizers invite submissions on multiple themes and fields, including philosophy, literature, feminism, social and cultural analyses, anthropology, race and ethnic studies, legal studies, and psychoanalysis, among other areas.  

Among the special activities during the conference, there will be a tribute to Édouard Glissant and a commemoration of the 50 years since Frantz Fanon’s passing in a panel co-organized with Mireille Fanon-Mendes France and the Frantz Fanon Foundation.  The association will also feature a documentary film on the Young Lords, Pa’lante, siempre pa’lante, by Iris Morales, an activist, documentary filmmaker, and former member of the Young Lords.

Junot Díaz will be receiving the Nicolás Guillén Prize, Susan Buck-Morss and Marilyn Nissim-Sabat will receive the Frantz Fanon Prize, and Michel-Rolph Trouillot and Molefi Kete Asante will receive the Distinguished Lifetime Achievement Award.

Send submissions for panels, roundtables, discussions, and abstracts of individual presentations by April 30, 2011, by email to

More information and the form to submit membership payments can be found at