PHOTO BLOG: Love & Create


by Andre' Wagner - Artist/Photographer

 up 2 us - DeShaun 

up 2 us - DeShaun 






Anonymous asked: What your sign?

I’m a Aries.. somebody tell me what that means! 

’s gotta’ be the poems! - Josh 






phoscottography asked: When it's All Said & Done What Would You Want People To Remember Your Photography For?

That my work always had a greater meaning & that I pushed people to be better.. when I’m gone, all this “stuff” will fade. Relationships, interactions, and living for something bigger than me will remain. & thats what really matters to me





Harlem - Josh 






bara-bruh asked: There are maybe 10-15 individuals in this world, dead&alive, that inspire me. And you, sir, have just been added to the list. Truly phenomenal work. Next time i'm in NY, I have to experience your art in person. I'd be honored just to witness you in the flow. I'm a worshipper of all sorts (through time, music, photography, appearance, etc.) Saw a quote from Hillsong, are you a believer (in CHRIST)?

It’s a honor, king. I’m working on something so a lot of people can witness my art in person..that’s what it’s all about. I think God for the gift that he has blessed me with, and just pray that he enlarges my territory so I can have a lasting impact on peoples lives. I’m a believer in Christ/higher power.. I’m a believer in living right, doing right, being a man of my word, and paying it all forward…

much love homie.    





Jelani The MC






Anonymous asked: i have been looking at your blog and really appreciate your love for art. i even read your posts on your blogspot and i have to tell you i am inspired by the passion you have to change the world with what you do. keep up the struggle. thank you. i have been looking for an everyday bag and really like the one you have in your pictures, any chance you want to reveal what brand it is?

Thank you so much for the support.. i can’t explain how much it means to me & how much i wish there was more of it in this world that we live in. This life is a beautiful struggle.. I do my best to enjoy all aspects in the pursuit and to challenge the mindset of everyone around me. 

The bag is a Filson tote. I picked it up at J. Crew a while ago. Again, thank you! Peace.





Joshua Bennett - The Strivers Row

*I had an awesome time hanging with my brother in Harlem yesterday. The brownstones and the energy is always refreshing, and the area will forever remain classic. Of course, the day is never right without a photo 






skyscrapersiscolossus asked: From a fellow photographer, your work is very inspirational friend. Keep shooting

Thank you! You keep shooting as well.. we have to save these memories :) 






floral - kat 






dolceinscence asked: Your work is phenomenal, every time i look at your blog i fall in love more and more with photography.<3 thanks for having such a creatively inspirational head on your shoulders. I look forward to see more of your work in times to come but for now thanks for giving the art of photography a shooting chance to capture the heart of others the believe anybody can take pictures. when Photographers interpret life like no one else can, GOD bless you, I look forward to more of your work :)

hey there, queen. thanks for reaching out and the kind words :) the support means a ton!

i thank God for the gift and eye to do what i do. capturing the essence of the beautiful souls on this planet is something that i want to do for a lifetime. i guess you can call it my calling :) 











ellaskye asked: I'm sure you've gotten this many times before, sorry, but what program do you edit your photos with?

No worries.. I use lightroom most of the time, but often use a combination of lightroon and photoshop. I say just learn the programs and see what you like. 

Happy Editing :) 






me, Josh, and Dre

*I had a good time hanging with these brothers during new york fashion week. 

(via streetetiquette)


hotelrobesheikh asked: Just wanted to say I truly admire the work you are putting out, and I hope all of your future endeavors fair well. You're an inspiration. Have a wonderful day.

Thank you so much for this! I’m excited to show some of my new work soon.. lord willing it will continue to inspire folks and we can all pay it forward. 

much love. 





her world 






obeeroulette asked: Your work is Amazing . Love your theme, and love your blog .

thank you so much, queen.. make sure you come back now, you hear! :) 





camo - faisal








theblindedowls asked: Wow! Fashion Week Shot Is Truly Indescribable!! Amazing! Your My Favorite Photographer Right Now, Ur Work Is Inspiring To The Fullest! I'm Constantly Getting On Tumblr Just To See Ur New Work.. Truly Amazing. Itd Be So Dope To Be Shot By U! Thanks For Putting Your Photos Online And Showing Them Off Your Art Is Incredible! Thank You!

Thank you good sir, I guess I need to start working harder so it can last longer than right now.. back to work i go! 






more hugs 






Anonymous asked: Would love to see more work from you and Folasade.

oh trust, we have something in store! ;) 





the one man show | nyc high line 






sevabokov asked: Hi, just wanted to say that you can so amazing things with just your d7000 and one dx lens. You have been an inspiration to me because of that (but not only that). I myself don't own any camera gear, I just borrow it for now since I'm only 13 and don't have the $$$ at the moment to buy some. I mainly learn through free videos online. It would be great if you would check out my photo blog found on my main blog sevbokov (since you cant add links in questions) and let me know how I'm doing. Thanks!

Good morning brother. Thanks for the compliment and I promise to do my best to keep the inspiration coming. It seems like you already have the ball rolling.. keep using you’re resources and shooting as much as you can. You’re photos look good. All the best to you!











ebonix asked: Hi. I stumbled upon ur blog and I love it!! I want to get involved with photography, professionally but I'm a total beginner. What camera do you recommend to get?

I’m glad you had a good stumble! I started with a Nikon D5000, thats probably the 3100 now days. I would focus on having fun more than about the camera.. everything else will fall into place.

Happy Shooting!











mynuejeens asked: You have very attractive friends and your photos are amazing. Keep it up!

Thanks! & they are great people too.. :)





iambabz asked: love your photography and the new theme :)

Thank you, i felt like this had a clean feel.. and your blog is cool too! Peace. 





j. kissi - nyfw 







sweetshotofsherri asked: Again... WOW! "souls" photo = AMAZING!

Aww, thank you! :) ..lets call them soulotos, lol. 





wall flower - kat






hvtbphotography asked: wow, looking at all your photos has just really inspired me! I love them and your style is very unique and special. You are a wonderful photographer!

Thanks a ton! It really helps me to keep pushing forward. it looks like you shoot too? Keep it up! Cheers!  





Fashion Week.

an adult playground for the want-to-be-seen

This photo tragically, and yet remarkably encapsulates this entire week for me. The seen: a photo of a woman dressed in what one could only describe as a poor man’s phoenix from Kanye West’s Runaway in a feathered headdress half-ass-less bikini combo having her uncovered assets photographed by another photographer, as she’s being photographed by Dre. Truth. An inexplicable truth, but the truth nonetheless. And this is what fashion week has become. Gone is an emphasis on art, misplaced is creativity and overshadowed are innovation and craftsmanship. What remains is celebrity, engineered hype, and an ass-less appeal.

- Cleon






Anonymous asked: Did you always wanted to be a photographer, sire?

Not at all, I once had hoop dreams.. it’s funny how life works out. 





good eye // cleon 






hpwk1993 asked: im using you as research and inspiration in my college work after coming across your blog a few weeks ago, and i can honestly say you have quickly moved up to my favourite photographer at the moment, what body and lens is it you use if i remember rightly you said you only use one, thanks for being a massive inspiration your outlook on what you do is amazing. keep it up.

I’m truly honored. I hope I can stay at the top! :) I’m using a Nikon D7000 + 35mm f/1.8 That’s what I have used for all the shots you’ve seen of mine.. as you can see, it doesn’t take much. Take care! 





the golden trail - kat 






flamming-faggot asked: The way you capture beauty is a gift and a blessing. You are an amazing photographer and everything you do is beautiful. Please stay blessed and continue on doing what you do. I love your work.

Thank you so much.. it’s definitely a blessing to be able to have any type of effect on people with my art. I thank God everyday. I also give thanks for all the beautiful people, including yourself that support me. Much love. 





doc - new york central park 

*my favorite time of the year, autumn.. 







dolceinscence asked: Hi, I just recently stumbled across your blog, then i found your website and, then i fell in love!!!!. I am aspiring photographer and i have a Nikon point and shoot at the moment but i want to upgrade. I was wondering if you could help me out with any suggestions or just advice. :) Your photographs are truly inspirational, I thank God for creative and imaginative people like you :) Have a blessed one

Hello there.. thank you, you are far too kind. My advice is to get out there and shoot. We often time get caught up in looking and comparing when we just need to get out there and shoot & create. Find what you like, find what you don’t like, and most of all.. have fun & build great relationships 

Happy Shooting! :)





golden // vintage kitty 






lokitalinda asked: how do you get so much depth in your pictures, it seems as though the color is much more intense than say..mines aha. is that just the settings on your camera? a different lens? or an artist's secret? :)

hmm, i think it’s a combination of things… location/time of day + camera + lens + editing. try new/different things, thats the only way you can truly find out. 

good luck & happy shooting 





new toys - j. kissi & cleon 






creationfluxuation asked: Are you ever going to create a photography book? I saw one; It was a book one a Japanese fashion Designer Iko(not sure if that's the proper name I just remember an "I" lol) but I feel like your book would look really amazing. graphically and a really nice collection of street photography and professional photography. You have such a unique blend of the two worlds it would be an amazing book to pick up and learn from. Have you ever given it any thought? =)

Hey. That is definitely the move.. all type of print is the move. So yes, I agree with you.. and it’s in the works :)  





souls - kat 






jackstime asked: What's the brand of hat that you wear? the gray cap you wear in alot of your photos. I've been looking all over for it!

To be honest I just picked it up from a vender somewhere around the city.. it shouldn’t be too hard to find, especially with the fall weather coming 





Eric - Portrait | NYFW 






Anonymous asked: How can I shoot with you if I'm in the NYC area?

shoot me a email 





J. Kissi - Portrait | NYFW 







shiddyshiddybangbang asked: your photos inspire me. <3

awesome! lord willin, ill keep it coming 





urban renewal - queen lu

*met up with luella today, a good friend of mine and chatted about life, chasing dreams & changing the world. always a good time with her.. you should all be in tune with the amazing work she has in store






Every artist dips his brush in his own soul, and paints his own nature into his pictures.

Henry Ward






Asha | NYFW 






thesecondhandmankc asked: I see you rock the Filson Tote. As an everyday bag how does it work for you? I'm trying to decide on that or a Jack Spade. Does it fit your laptop, camera, books, etc. ?

It works out pretty well, i like it a lot. Somehow I always end up with my camera, laptop, 1 book, & a notebook in it.. The canvas material is also mint! 





Arise Mag. | NYFW

*i had a really good time at the arise magazine show yesterday. it’s good to see so many beautiful faces in one location. 






Anonymous asked: Where did you find the varsity letter patch for your Jean Jacket?

My best friend from college actually still had his from high school so thats where I got it from





stitches / j. kissi | NYFW 






fullylo-aded asked: Firstly, I should say that you are my role model and appreciate everything you do because you inspire me to be greater everyday. Second, I was wondering how do you plan your shoots? Do you just wing it?

Hey there. I appreciate you, because people like you keep me going.. so we really inspire each-other. I usually come up with a concept  and build from their.. model, location, outfit, ext. You always have to leave room for creativity tho.. don’t over plan. All the best to you!





*The Bearded Man, Ouigi | NYFW 







sweetshotofsherri asked: Your talent is simply awesome! Amazing photography... just amazing! :-)

Thank you so much. I thank God everyday for giving me a way to communicate what I see in the world. Keep coming back, I have some awesome stuff in the works :) 





man made - dre’

*i always think about how things used to be before machines. like when kings built pyramids and structures & communities came together as families. when queens knew their worth and was the backbone for all… 






Anonymous asked: would love to see a full body composition of chevon in the park. the imagery is beautiful.

thank you! trust, we have some awesome stuff.. can’t give it all away yet ;) 





this road - chevon 

*i had an awesome time shooting with chevon yesterday. i love how you can tell fall is on the way.. there will be plenty of magic in the air






Anonymous asked: Your photography is truly beautiful. What inspires you to take these? And is there a story behind each one?

Thanks for the kind words. There is always a story.. i’m just documenting the times of my era in an artistic and creative way. Hopefully some day, people will look back on them and see reflections of our generation.. 





Earth Tones - J.Kissi & Cleon






smitty07 asked: Hello sir! Your photography has been very inspirational to me. I am a highschool student and I recently bought a D3100, and was wondering what a good portrait lens would be? Thank you!

Peace bro. Thanks for the love, and the inspiration is free! I would go with a 35mm f/1.8 or a 50mm f/1.4 or 1.8. If you’re not going to have many other lenses I would go with the 35 just so you won’t be so tight if you’re shooting indoors. I hope this helps. 

Happy Shooting!





covered up 






pizzadelivery asked: Wich nikon do you use? great blog and pictures!!! follwed

check mine out if you like(i use nikon D3100)

Thanks brother. I use a Nikon D7000





Curran - NYFW