Accra Hustling
By Nana Kofi Acquah
I’ve heard quite a few unforgettable expressions on the streets of Accra. Almost all of these were in Ghanaian languages.
Let’s see if I can translate them into English with the flavuor intact.
I remember once at Abossey Okai (where 99% of Ghanaians by spare parts for their cars), it started drizzling unannounced. A young man who was briskly passing by raised his eyes, looked up into the clouds and says “God, take it easy. Your children, we are busy hustling”.
Another time, I saw two hustlers fighting over money. The broke one was accusing his friend of being greedy. He’s friend retorted: “Even the sea, with all its water, doesn’t reject fresh rain”.
A guy buying coconut from a young kumasi man asked for a discount. Coconut seller looks poor man squarely in the eyes and says “Master, do you think I came to Accra to watch the sea?”
One time in Kantamanto, a guy almost knocked a woman’s wares over and didn’t even bother to stop. The angry woman yells at him” You! You are just a little more handsome than a monkey”.
Now, do have a great week :) And remember, better is always possible.