PHOTO ESSAY: African Portraits by Mario Gerth « African Digital Art

African Portraits

by Mario Gerth

Beautiful and dynamic portraits by Dutch photographer Mario Gerth. Beautiful is an understatement in this case, Mario’s subjects span from different regions across Africa, from countries such as Namibia, Niger, Kenya, Mali and Ethiopia. He has quite a collection, it was hard to decide but here are some of our favorites.

on turmi market we meet one of our most striking face - Hamar lady / ethiopia

little karo boy just after a ceremony / omo vally

simple and beautyful / omo valley

omo valley 2009

mursi girl / mago park

mursi woman with enormous lip plate / omo

omo valley / ethiopia

mursi girl / ethiopia

very strong looking mursi boy from omo vally / ethiopia

Nyamgatom girl / ethiopia

hamar mother with her new baby / ethiopia

kaokaveld / namibia

woman of the Ovakakaona tribe / northern namiba

good morning himba land / namibia

himba girl / namibia

himba chief / namibia

samburu girl in a ceremony / northern kenya

moran from samburuland / kenya

young wodabe from Niger / Mali

old samburu from logologo / kenya

samburu moran, kenya

little boy from mail

little touareg boy from djenne / mali

mursi girl from mago / omo valley

mursi warrior / omo valley

hamar girl from market turmi / ethiopia

hamar elder / turmi - he is probably the most remarkable man i ever photographed

karo mother / ethiopia

hamar girl / omo valley

mursi from mago / ethiopia