PHOTO ESSAY + VIDEO: World Cup — Nana Kofi Acquah - Pro Photographer Ghana / The Daily Show

Nana Kofi Acquah | pro photographer

Obama we are sorry


Hello President Obama,
It’s quite unfortunate you’d have to skip dinner today.
Ghana vs USA celebrations
We know you’ve been terribly stressed lately: BP, Flotilla, Health Reform, Overweight recruits… and then this happens.
Ghana vs USA celebrations
But at least, you know it wasn’t personal. Somebody had to go home and we weren’t ready. Our president likes South Africa very much.
Ghana vs USA celebrations
We did our best to make sure your kids were comfortable enough to look dumb on our streets. Don't they look good?
Ghana vs USA celebrations
Finally, can you confirm that beating USA doesn't affect green cards and visas? After all, it's just a game right? Quite a number of our celebrants are worried; even though you can't tell from these pictures.
Ghana vs USA celebrations
We wish you all the best, and better luck next time. Off we go!
Ghana vs USA celebrations


The Happiest Losers Ever (Ghana vs Germany) Celebrations


Ghana Vs Germany (Accra fans)Soccer fans Representing almost every country of the world gathered together at EPOS in Osu to watch the game on three big screens and a tv
Ghana Vs Germany (Accra fans)Here is one of the guys at EPOS setting the last one up
Ghana Vs Germany (Accra fans)In spite of the noisy vuvuzelas and drumming. Most Ghanaians were very very tense and anxious... and for good reason.Ghana Vs Germany (Accra fans)For some people, it was a beer gulping galoreGhana Vs Germany (Accra fans)New Vuvuzela inventions were also launched
Ghana Vs Germany (Accra fans)And as usual, we had to end up on Osu Oxford Street:
Ghana Vs Germany (Accra fans)Ghana Vs Germany (Accra fans)And Nyani was there live with me doing his own thing :) Ghana Vs Germany (Accra fans)Ghana Vs Germany (Accra fans)And Celebration in Ghana without a few ass shaking and "bumper to bumper" isn't celebration:Ghana Vs Germany (Accra fans)Ghana Vs Germany (Accra fans)



The Daily Show takes on the World Cup

June 28, 2010 · 1 Comment

The Daily Show with Jon Stewart sends “correspondent” John Oliver to Johannesburg to learn “… about the rich African culture at the World Cup.”

Brilliant piece. It strikes the right balance between on the one hand, the disdain most fans feel about FIFA, and, on the other, the passion associated with the World Cup. It is also satisfying to see Rich Mkhondo, the spokesperson for organizing committee, exposed as a windbag.

– Sean Jacobs
