PUB: 100 Words or Fewer Writing Contest

100 Words or Fewer Writing Contest

Contest Number Five

March 18, 2010—July 18, 2010



Here are the two fiction contests for Contest Five—“A” and “B” below.

A. Original: 100 words or fewer, on any subject whatsoever (excluding lewd).

B. New Contest: Stories will revolve around either (a) “The Old Man” or (b) “Home.”

The amount we have for prizes each time is $800.00. Because prizes decrease as we add contests, we have decided to return from the three contests offered last time to two. Looking below, you will find the math. The current distribution may lure more entrants into the fun!


  1. Original

    First Prize--$500. Second Prize--$100.

  2. New

    Subjects are “The Old Man” and “Home.” From the pool of these stories, one story will receive a First Prize of $150. One story will receive a Second Prize of $50.

(Prizes add up to $800.00)

Selection of the four winning stories will be made by our Final Judge, Erica Bauermeister.

We are anxious to see results of both A and B! NOTE: All contests require the 100 words limitation. All stories must meet requirements set forth in Official Guidelines. All contests are open for multiple entries by anyone.