10th Annual Jamaica Independence Essay Competition
Entries are now being accepted for the 10th annual Independence Essay Competition of the Jamaica Information Service (JIS) in Miami. The competition forms part of the celebrations observing Jamaica’s 48th anniversary of Independence and Emancipation across the Florida communities.
The contest is open to all Jamaican children, first and second generation, and residing in Florida State, The deadline for participating entries is Friday, July 23, 2010. The winner in each category will be awarded with a plaque from the Jamaica Consulate General, and a monetary gift presentation from the Partners for Youth Foundation of South Florida.
The merit to the annual Essay competition is to advance community awareness while exposing our youth to their Jamaican culture and heritage. As they research and prepare the compositions, applicants are given the opportunity to reflect on the nation’s history and culture; look at the impact of their Jamaican roots on their upbringing; and the positive events that have catapulted Jamaica and its Diaspora in the global arena.
Children in the Diaspora are being encouraged to take interest in the annual Essay Competition realizing that the occasion would inspire young Jamaicans to consider more seriously learning about the island of their origin.
Essay topics are as follows:
1. Talk about your experience in Jamaica as a tourist. Briefly share your adventure about one of the favorite places visited – for example a place of recreation, a historic landmark or even time spent with a Jamaican family.
2. How do you think Jamaican youth in the Diaspora can best contribute to Jamaica’s economic development?
3. Do you know of a Jamaican group or Jamaican individual who has made an outstanding contribution to their community or attained an outstanding achievement? If so, write about their contribution or achievement and its impact on the community in which he or she resides.
4. What is your opinion of reggae music today, and explain the role that this genre of music has played in Jamaica’s social, cultural and economic development.
5. Explain how the process of “Brand Jamaica” can be promoted through the export of our cultural heritage including art, music, folk culture, entertainment, food, etc.
6. Briefly describe the significance of Jamaica’s six national symbols.
7. There are several prominent Jamaican landmarks (e.g. Port Royal, Devon House, Rose Hall Great House, Spanish Town, National Heroes’ Park, etc.). Choose any Jamaican landmark that you know and explain briefly its context to Jamaica’s rich cultural heritage.
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Each entrant must choose only one topic. The response must NOT exceed two pages and should be double-spaced.Essays can be emailed to jismiami@bellsouth.net or mailed to the Jamaica Information Service, 25 SE Second Avenue – Ste 609, Miami, FLA 33131.
The contestant’s name, address, telephone number and age must accompany each entry. There are three age categories for entrants: five to eight (5-8); nine to twelve (9-12); thirteen to eighteen (13-18). The deadline for entries is Friday, July 23, 2010.
Cheryl Wynter (305-374-8384)***