PUB: 2010 Contest Rules :: SouthWest Writers

2010 SouthWest Writers Writing Contest

2010 Contest Rules

The SouthWest Writers’ 28th Annual Writing Contest encourages and rewards excellence. Cash prizes are awarded to the top three entries in each of 14 categories. In addition, first-place winners in each category compete for the $1,000 Storyteller Award.

The contest is open to all original, unpublished work by English-language writers.

Deadline: Postmarked no later than May 1, 2010
Late entries: Postmarked no later than May 15, 2010 (late fee applies)

Contest Categories & Submission Requirements

1. Mainstream/Literary Novel: The first 20 double-spaced pages of the manuscript plus a single-spaced synopsis, two pages maximum

2. Mystery/Suspense/Thriller/Adventure Novel: The first 20 double-spaced pages of the manuscript plus a single-spaced synopsis, two pages maximum

3. Science Fiction/Fantasy/Horror Novel: The first 20 double-spaced pages of the manuscript plus a single-spaced synopsis, two pages maximum

4. Historical Novel: The first 20 double-spaced pages of the manuscript plus a single-spaced synopsis, two pages maximum

5. Middle Grade or Young Adult Novel: The first 20 double-spaced pages of the manuscript plus a single-spaced synopsis, two pages maximum.

6. Memoir Book: Submit the first 20 pages. Manuscripts must be double-spaced.

7. Memoir Article: No more than 1,500 words. Manuscripts must be double-spaced.

8. Mainstream/Literary Short Story: No more than 5,000 words. Manuscripts must be double-spaced.

9. Nonfiction/Essay Article: No more than 1,500 words. Manuscripts must be double-spaced.

10. Personal Essay/Column: No more than 750 words. Manuscripts must be double-spaced.

11. Nonfiction Book: Submit the first 10 pages plus a book proposal of no more than 10 double-spaced pages plus a one-page, single-spaced query letter. Follow these category-specific instructions.

12. Children's Fiction or Nonfiction Picture Book: Submit the entire manuscript, maximum 10 pages. Follow these category-specific instructions.

13. Screenplay: Submit the first 20 pages in industry-standard format plus a one-page synopsis. Follow these category-specific instructions.

14. Poetry: Submit one poem per entry of no more than three pages, any format. Follow these category-specific instructions.

Critique Service

You may request a critique by another professional agent or editor (judges critique only first-place winners) by circling the appropriate fee on the Entry Form, submitting three copies of your manuscript instead of two, and enclosing the correct fee with your submission.


1. Each entry must be in a separate envelope accompanied by a completed Entry Form and Entry Fee. No certified mail. Enclose a self-addressed, stamped postcard if you want notification of receipt.

2. Write the Category Number you are entering on the outside of the envelope below your return address. Be sure to circle the Category Number on the entry form.

3. Your entry must be original, written in English, and unpublished or un-optioned at time of submittal.

4. If your manuscript previously won 1st prize in a particular category, it is ineligible for that category.

5. Using standard manuscript formatting, your manuscript must be printed on one side of 8-1/2 x 11 or A4 white paper in 12-point Courier or Times New Roman, double-spaced. Synopses and query letters must be single-spaced. Poems have no spacing requirements. Screenplays should follow industry-specific standards.

6. Your name may not appear anywhere on the manuscript, synopsis, book proposal or query.

7. Submit two (2) copies of the manuscript, synopsis, book proposal or query as specified for the category you are entering. Manuscripts will not be returned. Manuscripts will be shredded or otherwise destroyed by October 31, 2010.

If your Entry Fee includes the cost of a Critique: Submit three (3) copies of your manuscript plus a large, self-addressed envelope with enough postage stamps affixed for return mail (i.e. a large SASE). NO METERED POSTAGE. The critiqued manuscript will be returned in your SASE in August, 2010.

8. All First (1st) Place winning manuscripts in each category are sent to the Storyteller judge in consideration for the $1,000 Storyteller Award.

9. Winners in each category will be notified in August, 2010. Prizes are as follows: 1st Place: $150; 2nd Place: $100; 3rd Place: $50.

10. Contest judging takes place in two phases. A qualified panel of writers and editors selects the top 15 entries in each category. Those top 15 entries are then judged by an agent, editor or publisher appropriate to each category. The top three winners in each category receive a critique from the commissioned judge. Contacting any judge during the contest period about an entry is an automatic disqualification.

11. The professional editors, agents and/or publishers commissioned as judges are not employees of SouthWest Writers (SWW) and their opinions do not necessarily reflect the opinions of SouthWest Writers.

12. As part of the annual SWW Novel Conference, a banquet will be held September 10, 2010 to announce and honor the top three (3) winners in each category. Winners will also be posted on the SWW website.

13. SouthWest Writers reserves the right to disqualify any entry if contest rules are not followed, in which case the entry fee will not be refunded. Common mistakes include: (1) Writer’s name is on manuscript. (2) Incorrect fee is enclosed. (3) Incorrect number of manuscript copies is submitted (See Rule 7).

SouthWest Writers Contest 2010 Rules and Entry Form

Click here for a copy of the 2010 Contest Rules and Contest Entry Form in .pdf format