PUB: 2010 MMM Poetry & Flash Fiction Contests

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2010 Poetry & Flash Fiction Contests Guidelines [06/27/2010] | Printable guidelines


Prize: $500 for the best poem & $500 for the best flash fiction plus publication in the journal. * Finalists in each genre will also be considered for publication.

Deadline: Dec. 30, 2010.


* Open to all poets and writers whose work is in English.
* Entries may not be previously or simultaneously published.
* All MMM staff members and family of staff members are ineligible.

Anonymous judging:

* Do not put your name on your work(s). All entries will be read anonymously.

* Include in your cover letter: (i) your name, (ii) e-mail address and phone number(s), (iii) mailing address, & (iv) the title(s) and genre of your submission.

* If you enter in both categories, please send them in separate envelopes.

* Mark “poetry contest” or “fiction contest” on the envelope.

* Mss. cannot be returned; do not send your only copies.

* Include an SASE (self-addressed stamped envelope) to receive the announcement of the winners.

* Send paper entries in duplicate.

Entry Fees:
$15 for as many as 5 poems per entry (total submission cannot exceed 10 pages).

$15 for as many as 2 flash fictions (or short-short story under 1,500 words each, typed double-spaced).

Entrants get a free subscription!
Make checks payable to: Many Mountains Moving.

Final Poetry Judge: TBA

Final Flash Fiction Judge: Thaddeus Rutkowski

Send to:
Many Mountains Moving
(Poetry or Flash Fiction) Contest
1705 Lombard St.
Phila. PA 19146

Or via e-mail, send an attachment (RTF, Word, WordPerfect or PDF) to without any identification in the ms. itself. Then send a paper cover letter along with a check for $15 exactly as you would with a regular paper submission. (See above). Ms. will be acknowledged as received as soon as the check arrives.