2010 MMM Press Poetry Book Prize Guidelines [updated 06/26/2010] | Printable guidelines
Prize: The winner receives $1,000 and publication by MMM Press in 2011.
DEADLINE: August 14, 2010
Entry fee: $25 {Entitles first entrants to a free back issue while they last and the opportunity to buy a new MMM Subscription for $10.00, and any of the MMM Press Books, They Sing at Midnight, invisible sister, & Feeding the Fear of the Earth, Silkie, Ashes in Midair & All That Gorgeous Pitiless Song for $10. Please use this order form (second page of printed guidelines) if you want a free back issue or anything else.}
Final Judge: TBA
• Open to all poets and writers whose work is in English.
• Staff and their family members are not eligible to enter.
• Simultaneous submissions are allowed if the poet agrees to notify MMM Press of acceptance elsewhere.
• Entries may not be previously published, but individual poems and chapbook-length sections may have been if the previous publisher gives permission to reprint. (More than half of the ms. may not have been published as a collection.)
Submission Checklist & NEW email submission guidelines:
• A typed ms. of 50–100 pages of original poetry, single- or double-spaced. (The author’s name must NOT appear anywhere on the ms.)
• A cover letter with the title of the collection, a brief bio, your name, address, phone number, and e-mail address(es).
• Acknowledgments may be included in the ms. but are not required.
• A $25 check or money order payable to Many Mountains Moving Press.
• An SASE for the winner announcement. Mss. will not be returned.
• The order form for contest entrants with a choice of discounts on subscriptions and books. This order form is on the the second page of the printable guidelines.
Or via e-mail, send an attachment (RTF, Word, WordPerfect or PDF) to editors@mmminc.org without any identification in the ms. itself.
Send a cover letter on paper along with the paper order form to the address below with a check and identification of the ms. etc.
As with any paper submission, mss. will be acknowledged as received as soon as the check and order form arrive.
Send to:
Many Mountains Moving Poetry Book Prize
Jeffrey Ethan Lee, Senior Poetry Editor
Many Mountains Moving Press
1705 Lombard Street
Phila. PA 19146