2010 Winter Writing Contest
Birdsong Micropress
68 Bushwick Ave #3L
Brooklyn, NY 11211
www.birdsongmag.comBirdsong Micropress Winter 2010 Poetry + Prose Contest [Deadline: 10 October 2010]
BROOKLYN, NEW YORK — 1 June 2010. New York literary zine birdsong is now accepting submissions for our Winter 2010 Poetry + Prose Contest. A prize of $50, publication in birdsong #14, 10 complimentary copies of the zine (edition of 200, full color, screenprinted cover), and a featured spot in our Brooklyn reading series in mid-December will be awarded a single person in each category. Submit a 12 pt. standard font .doc file of up to three pages of poetry, or 1500 words of double-spaced prose, to birdsongmag@gmail.com with the subject header, “ATTN: Winter Contest Submission” by October 10. No reading fee.
Birdsong Collective members will review entries, and results will be e-mailed by Monday, November 15. Please include a cover page with your name, contact information, title(s) of the work, and a three-sentence bio to appear in the “Contributors” section of the zine. Entries will be considered anonymously, so your name should not appear on the work itself. All work should be previously unpublished. Simultaneous submissions are acceptable, as long as we receive immediate notification if entries are accepted elsewhere. One entry per person.
The Birdsong Reading Series is an integral part of birdsong’s publication process, and as such, if you do not live in the New York area or cannot be here in mid-December, you may wish to reconsider submitting your work.
Contest winners will retain all rights to their work, including the right to be identified as the author wherever and whenever their work is published, and the right to use all or part of their work, with or without revision or modification in compilations or other publications. Subsequent publication should acknowledge Birdsong Micropress as the original publisher.
The Birdsong Collective and Micropress was founded in April 2008 with four goals in mind: to foster sustained collaboration among artists, musicians and writers in the form of an ongoing workshop; to continually encourage each other to produce creative work; to host free, public events where members can showcase works in progress; and to circulate members’ creative endeavors in a low-cost, easy to reproduce, and high-frequency format. Birdsong members share commitments to social movements of feminism, anti-racism, queer positivity, class-consciousness, and DIY cultural production. These commitments inform our creative work in many ways, ranging from the concrete to the theoretical to the experimental.