PUB: 2011 Fiction Contest « Roanoke Review

2011 Fiction Contest

Awarding $1000 to some creative soul.

(And $500 to the soul placing second.)

Submission are currently being accepted for the Roanoke Review‘s 2011 Fiction Contest.

Prize winner & runners-up will published in 2012 issue.

Send unpublished stories (max, 5,000 words) to Roanoke Review Contest, Roanoke College, Salem, VA 24153. Include $15.00 reading fee for each story. Make checks out to Roanoke College. Also include a SASE for reply. Manuscripts are recycled.

Deadline is November 7, 2011 (postmark or online submission).

Note: All entrants will receive a copy of the 2011 Roanoke Review (if you provide us with your address).

** NOTE: You may now submit to the 2011 Contest online. Look for the submission link under “guidelines.” Thanks!

* Winners of the 2010 contest:

1st Place ($1000 award)- Irene Wescott “Wolves”
2nd Place ($500 award) – Tracy G. Night “Memories of Rescue”
3rd Place ($150 award — Lyle Roebuck “The Crab”