PUB: 2011 National Flash Fiction Competition

2011 Flash Fiction Competition - 
Urban Myths

Sponsored by Fiction Feedback - the leading independent critique service for writers

The Writers’ Circle has launched a national flash fiction story writing competition, with a theme of Urban Myths.

There are cash prizes, plus the winners will be featured in the 2011 collection of members’ writing, Aware.


CADWC members are eligible to enter and can submit one story free of charge.


Word length is 500 words and deadline is 30th September 2011.


The competition is open to anyone living in the UK.



1. Stories should address the theme of Urban Myths.


2. Maximum number of words: 500


3. The story must be typed and submitted by post.


4. The name of the author must not appear on the actual story.


5. Closing date for receipt of stories is September 30th 2011.


6. Entrants must send with their stories a separate cover sheet which gives their name, address, telephone number, email and title and first line of story or stories. This acts as the entry form.


7. Entry fee is £3 for one story, and £5 for two. Please send a cheque made out to Chorley & District Writers’ Circle, and post with cover sheet and story or stories to: Aware Competition, 27 Thirlmere Road, Blackrod, Bolton BL6 5EB.


8. Members of Chorley & District Writers’ Circle are eligible to enter and are entitled to one free entry.


9. Writers can enter as many stories as they like provided they’re accompanied by the appropriate fee.


10. Stories must not have been published for public view on any platform. (Stories read at private group readings or posted on password-protected forums are eligible.)



Prizes: Winner: £100; second prize: £50; third prize: £25, plus publication for winners (and possibly short-listed entries) in Aware, the Circle’s annual digital collection of writing posted on their website, and on the Fiction Feedback website.


By entering, writers agree to their stories being published in Aware and on the Chorley Writers and Fiction Feedback websites. Copyright always remains with the author.


We cannot enter into any correspondence about individual stories, only about the rules of entry. For information, please email: