PUB: 2011 Poetry Contest - Two Review

Two Review Poetry Contest 2011

Judge: John Guzlowski

John Guzlowski is the son of parents who met in a slave labor camp in Nazi Germany. He was born Zbigniew Guzlowski in a Displaced Persons camp in Vienenburg, Germany, in 1948, and changed his name when he was naturalized as an American citizen. He came to the United States in 1951 with his parents and sister, settling first in New York State and then in Chicago’s old Polish Downtown. Guzlowski holds a PhD in English from Purdue University, and he is Professor Emeritus at Eastern Illinois University, where he taught contemporary American literature and poetry writing. He is the author of Lightning and Ashes (Steel Toe Books) and Third Winter of War: Buchenwald (Finishing Line Press), and a chapbook titled Language of Mules. Guzlowski’s poetry and essays have appeared widely around the world in publications like Margie, Nimrod, Atlanta Review, Crab Orchard Review, Chattahoochee Review, Journal of Evolutionary Psychology, Studies in Jewish American Literature, and Polish Review. His poem “What My Father Believed” was read by Garrison Keillor on The Writer’s Almanac. Guzlowski lives in Virginia, where he maintains the blog Lightning & Ashes.


$100, $50, $25 plus publication. All submissions considered for publication in Two Review 2012.

Pay $10.00 contest fee below, then submit up to five (5) unpublished poems with a brief bio via email to


Two Review 2010 Poetry Contest Fee

Please pay your contest fee securely and reference your transaction number in your submission.

Two Review 2010 Poetry Contest Fee

Please pay your contest fee securely and reference your transaction number in your submission.

See below for a printable PDF of the 2011 Two Review Poetry Contest Announcement.

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